Pavement improvements in Stonebridge

by adamboyden on 13 December, 2013

I recently received some complaints from local residents in Lime Close, Stonebridge, about the poor state of footways that serve houses either side of the road. This was after paths behind the housing area (along the stream) between Forest Road and the old Showfield were resurfaced recently. Residents, some of whom are elderly and worry about tripping over on the uneven broken path surfaces, were left puzzled as to why their poorly surfaced paths were not touched when resurfacing was carried out on perhaps lower priority paths.  I looked into it, and in consultation with county councillor Sam Phripp, asked Somerset Highways to investigate.

I have found out that Somerset County Council will be undertaking work to resurface pavements in and around Lime Close as well as around Rowan Court, Ashtree Road and Stonebridge Drive, next year, in spring or summer 2014.  The map linked below shows paths improved recently (in green) and paths proposed for improvement in 2014 (in blue).

zzzStonebridge linking FP works extent

I have asked for the resurfacing to be done as soon as possible.  Somerset officers have also promised to inspect the footways for any current defects and make necessary repairs before then. I will give another update when I have heard back from officers after their inspection.


2 Responses

  1. Jason Rowe says:

    This is fantastic news, something that fails to cross my mind be very able bodied, but I must admit the path running alongside the small brook / stream being re-surfaced has been a welcome change.

  2. […] Pavement improvements promised in Stonebridge: I recently heard complaints about the poor state of pavements in Lime Close, and responded by contacting Somerset County Council’s highways team, whose job it is to maintain them. Somerset Highways have promised to resurface pavements in Lime Close and elsewhere in Stonebridge in spring/summer next year. Please see here for details: […]

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