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Responding to local problems

by adamboyden on 5 October, 2011

Recently, local residents have contacted me about a variety of local problems and issues they want to see addressed to improve the area. In each case I have tried to address the problems as quickly as I can by raising the matter with those responsible, be it at Mendip District Council, the county council or other organisation. I try to keep people informed of how the issue they raised is being dealt with, to keep checking on progress, and to keep up the pressure for action.   Specifically, issues have been raised on:

  • A potentially dangerous wall in Stonebridge – Mendip District Council’s Building Control officer made the wall safe and agreed to monitor its condition. 
  • A dangerous tree behind Lime Close, Stonebridge – the Council’s tree consultants inspected the tree, and agreed to book in the work as an urgent priority.  MDC funding for urgent tree works has been reviewed and will be discussed (and I agreed should be increased) at the Cabinet meeting in November.
  • Smelly sewer in Bath Road – Wessex Water sent out someone the same day to rectify the problem. 
  • A new litter bin in Forest Road (where too many people drop their litter after sitting down for a snack) – a new bin has been ordered and should be in place soon.
  • Flytipping to the north of Frome:  I reported significant new flytipping of a variety of wastes dumped along a lane to the north of Frome, and it should be cleared up again soon.  I am trying to keep up the pressure as the Council plans to work with others to enforce and deter flytipping in a proactive way.  The Council have found that flytipping has increased significantly since Spring 2011 when new charges were introduced as a result of Somerset County Council’s cuts to funding of Frome’s and other  household waste recycling centres in Somerset, and since Frome’s HWRC has been closed for 2 days a week. County Council policy appears to be part of the problem here, and that needs addressing. 

If any resident has any issue in or affecting the ward, please let me know and I will do my best to see it sorted out.

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