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Archive for the ‘Energy & Climate Change’ Category

July newsletter

by adamboyden on 22 July, 2018

Dear all, As one of the councillors for Frome College ward on Mendip District Council, I want to keep you up to date, so please see below for my latest news on local issues: Community orchard proposed at the Old Showfield Planning application for 96 homes at Packsaddle Way has been withdrawn Packsaddle parks in […]

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December 2017 news

by adamboyden on 28 December, 2017

Dear all, As one of your councillors on Mendip District Council, I aim to keep local residents updated on local issues: Grange Road mobile phone mast appeal – deadline 4th January for responses Showfield improvement works Mendip consults on continued closure of Gypsy Lane Frome Town Council: meetings and Boyle Cross works Frome Sports Forum […]

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February 2017 Newsletter

by adamboyden on 28 February, 2017

Dear All,  please see below a roundup of news from the ward and local area, and updates on what your councils are doing. This has taken some time, so apologies it has been a long time since the last one. Old Showfield improvements to continue Frome Town Council is planning further improvements to the Old […]

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June newsletter

by adamboyden on 17 June, 2016

Newsletter 18 June 2016 Dear All, How can I help? As ever, please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. Tributes to Jo Cox MP:  After the terrible fatal attack on Labour MP Jo Cox on Thursday, tributes are flooding in, including a message from Tim Farron. “… Jo Cox […]

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April/May newsletter

by adamboyden on 4 May, 2016

Dear All, A quick update for you on news for Frome College ward, Frome and Mendip. I hope you find it useful. How can I help? Please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. Frome Leisure Centre to reopen on 1st June: Fusion have now announced that the revamped Frome […]

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March/April newsletter

by adamboyden on 4 April, 2016

Please see below my newsletter for Frome College ward, Frome and Mendip. I hope you find it useful. How can I help? Please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. Leisure Centre reopening delayed: As a member of Mendip District Council’s Leisure Strategic Board, last week I had a tour […]

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As predicted, the Government has confirmed its intention to grant licences for unconventional gas (coal bed methane) exploration in areas near Frome, in and around Rode, Beckington, Westbury, Trowbridge and Warminster. In its response to consultation feedback from local councils, environmental groups, industry and local residents (including myself) on the Government’s assessments of the likely […]

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In other news…

by adamboyden on 28 September, 2015

Refugees welcome in Mendip In response to the worst refugee crisis in Europe since the 2nd world war, I asked Mendip District Council to do what it can to help resettle our share of refugees fleeing war so that families and children can live in safety. Although my formal motion was denied a debate, I […]

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Fracking update: protecting our environment

by adamboyden on 8 July, 2014

(As sent to Frome Times and Frome Standard, 14 July 2014) In response to Steve Williams’ letter in a previous issue, I should remind readers that local Lib Dem councillors, including me, continue to protect our area against fracking for shale gas, despite the Conservative part of the coalition Government having a ‘gung ho’ attitude […]

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Mendip Fracking Motion – links and next steps

by adamboyden on 3 October, 2013

Next steps: A cross-party working group of Mendip Councillors is being set up to implement the resolution of the Motion, with the first meeting in early December. Links: – Text of agreed motion: Mendip District Council, 30 September 2013 meeting: see ‘Updating – Motion on Fracking’: – Somerset County Council Minerals Topic Paper on oil […]

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This motion was agreed unanimously (only a few county cllrs abstained) last night at Mendip District Council’s full Council meeting at Whitstone School, Shepton Mallet: Motion to Council – 30th September 2013 Proposed – Councillors Harvey Siggs and Danny Unwin Seconded – Councillors Tom Killen and Adam Boyden Mendip District Council acknowledges the Governments view […]

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Mendip Liberal Democrats are delighted that last night, at Mendip’s Full Council at Whitstone School in Shepton Mallet, a motion was unanimously passed regarding fracking.   This motion sets out the concerns of the council and seeks to provide safeguards to the district.  A joint motion between the Lib Dems and the Conservatives was agreed at […]

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Mendip District Council’s next full council meeting, on 30th September, was to have seen two Motions on ‘fracking’ debated, one from the Mendip Liberal Democrats (see my previous post) and one from Mendip Conservatives’ leader and deputy leader, as well as a Presentation by officers and other local authorities.  A number of people will be speaking at […]

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Mendip Liberal Democrats take lead on fracking in Mendip

by adamboyden on 12 September, 2013

The Mendip District Council Liberal Democrat group are calling on the Conservative Council administration to listen to the concerns of local people regarding the controversial act of hydraulic fracturing or ‘fracking’.  Fracking – the extraction of fossil fuel gas found deep underground – has been the focus of much national attention. The motion, which has […]

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Questions for Mendip Council: Fracking in Mendip

by adamboyden on 16 July, 2013

At the last Mendip District Council Full Council meeting (13 June 2013), I posed two questions. The second concerned the impacts and risks of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in the Mendip area: “2.      In light of the recent concerns expressed by members of the public and councillors about the likely impacts of unconventional gas exploitation (including […]

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“Mendip District Council, The Centre for Sustainable Energy and Scottish and Southern Energy have teamed up to offer loft and cavity wall insulation for FREE* for everyone in Mendip who owns or privately rents their property with the ‘Warm Streets Scheme’. Following recent fuel price rises by the big six energy companies and with winter […]

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Stay Warm, Save Money, Go Green

by adamboyden on 6 October, 2011

See more info here about the great new Lib Dem campaign to Stay Warm, Save Money and Go Green, and more information here from the Government’s Department for Energy and Climate Change, led by Lib Dem Chris Huhne.

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