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Archive for the ‘Footpaths’ Category

Old Showfield improvements continue

by adamboyden on 12 February, 2017

Frome Town Council is planning further improvements to the Old Showfield in the next few months, in line with the Management and Improvements Plan it adopted last year after local people were consulted in autumn 2014 and again early last year. More footpaths will be resurfaced, trees will be planted and picnic tables installed, and […]

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Showfield update

by adamboyden on 17 July, 2015

My letter to the Frome Standard this week read: ‘I have thanked Lyn Zalac for her letter last week about my role as a local councillor in getting the old Showfield into Frome Town Council hands, so that it can be improved and managed for the local community. But I must give credit to Vision […]

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Conserving and improving the old Showfield

by adamboyden on 22 April, 2015

The old Showfield is the most important open space in this part of Frome, for dog walkers, joggers, children, and people walking to and from town. Over the last few years I have been working to raise residents’ issues with Mendip District Council, who lease the area, about improving management, security against encampments, tackling flygrazing, […]

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Mendip agree to surrender leases on old Showfield

by adamboyden on 8 December, 2014

Last week, Mendip District Council agreed to surrender its leases for the old Showfield, so that Frome Town Council can purchase, maintain and enhance the site as a community asset and give local residents more direct control over the popular open space. This was decided at MDC’s Corporate Asset Management Group last week. This is […]

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Frome Town Council agrees to buy old Showfield

by adamboyden on 6 November, 2014

I am pleased to be able to say that at last week’s Frome Town Council meeting, councillors agreed unanimously to purchase the main part of the old Showfield (the open area, the childrens playground and the Collegians football pitch, excluding the cricket pitch, car park and pavilion) and to take a long-term lease on the […]

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Frome Community Funding workshop, 26th March Frome Town Council are holding a community workshop on Wednesday 26 March at 7 (7.30) to 9pm at Frome Town Football Club, to discuss what local funding is available to community groups and projects, and how you can access it. See  Rodden Meadows consultation, 26th March The above workshop […]

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What have I been doing?

by adamboyden on 17 December, 2013

I have been working on a few things recently, in response to local residents concerns, which you have told me about on the doorstep, on the phone and by email: Flytipping on Gypsy Lane – Public Meeting to be held: Yesterday Mendip District Council’s Enforcement officers agreed to my suggestion to hold a public meeting […]

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Pavement improvements in Stonebridge

by adamboyden on 13 December, 2013

I recently received some complaints from local residents in Lime Close, Stonebridge, about the poor state of footways that serve houses either side of the road. This was after paths behind the housing area (along the stream) between Forest Road and the old Showfield were resurfaced recently. Residents, some of whom are elderly and worry […]

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