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Archive for the ‘Mendip Lodge Hotel site’ Category

July newsletter

by adamboyden on 22 July, 2018

Dear all, As one of the councillors for Frome College ward on Mendip District Council, I want to keep you up to date, so please see below for my latest news on local issues: Community orchard proposed at the Old Showfield Planning application for 96 homes at Packsaddle Way has been withdrawn Packsaddle parks in […]

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May newsletter

by adamboyden on 21 May, 2018

Dear all, I am one of the councillors for Frome College ward on Mendip District Council, and want to keep you up to date, please see below for my latest news on local issues: Opposition to Mendip’s Sunday parking charges Somerset County Council calls for conversation on Unitary Council Changing Places puts Frome on the […]

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Running again, and other news

by adamboyden on 14 July, 2017

Dear all, I am running the Frome 10k again this year, trying to raise money for Fair Frome (who run the food and furniture banks) and also specifically to raise funds for a Changing Places facility for Frome, so that people with severe and profound disabilities will have somewhere to ‘go’ to spend a penny or two in […]

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May newsletter

by adamboyden on 21 May, 2017

As one of your ward councillors I need to keep you updated on a few things: Reminder – a Hustings debate for the General Election is being held at Frome Town Football Club today Sunday 21st May at 2.00-4.00pm. All 5 candidates will be answering questions put by local people – please see here for […]

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April and May newsletters

by adamboyden on 5 May, 2017

Update 4th May 2017 Today is local election day – you will elect new Somerset County Councillors for Frome North, East and West and the rest of the county, and a new Mendip District Councillor for Frome College ward. I am standing for Frome North for Somerset, and I am endorsing Alex Shingler for Frome […]

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February 2017 Newsletter

by adamboyden on 28 February, 2017

Dear All,  please see below a roundup of news from the ward and local area, and updates on what your councils are doing. This has taken some time, so apologies it has been a long time since the last one. Old Showfield improvements to continue Frome Town Council is planning further improvements to the Old […]

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September newsletter

by adamboyden on 8 September, 2016

Dear All,  I hope you find this update on news for Frome College ward, Frome, Mendip and the wider world useful. Please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. A quick update on news for Frome College ward and surrounding areas in Frome, Mendip and Somerset. How can I help? […]

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July newsletter

by adamboyden on 8 July, 2016

Dear All,  I hope you find this update on news for Frome College ward, Frome and Mendip useful. How can I help? As ever, please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. Super Frome 10k: Once again I am running the Frome 10k on Sunday 17th July as part of […]

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March/April newsletter

by adamboyden on 4 April, 2016

Please see below my newsletter for Frome College ward, Frome and Mendip. I hope you find it useful. How can I help? Please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. Leisure Centre reopening delayed: As a member of Mendip District Council’s Leisure Strategic Board, last week I had a tour […]

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Showfield Improvement Plans debated tonight Please see a link to the report on the proposed Old Showfield management and improvement plan, which is being debated and hopefully approved at Frome Town Council’s meeting at 7pm at Rook Lane Chapel tonight, as item 7 of the agenda on pages 12-14, and at Appendix 3 here  […]

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Planning and development news

by adamboyden on 28 September, 2015

Tesco Express in Stonebridge should reopen in December as a larger store and 4 flats (‘Acacia View’) above. I successfully argued for improvements to the planning application (2014/0970/FUL) to improve the design and lighting, and ensure no overall loss of parking spaces or trees, which will be replanted. New plans have been recently submitted for […]

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Newsletter 5th June 2015

by adamboyden on 5 June, 2015

Please see below for news about what I have been up to in the last 3 weeks at Mendip District Council, news about the developments at Stonebridge (Forest Road shops) and Bath Road Heights, and news of Fusion’s take over of Frome Leisure Centre and how the Showfield deal is progressing. Also links to news […]

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Planning appeal for 8 houses at Bath Road Heights

by adamboyden on 9 January, 2015

February 2015: I have just been informed that Latona Leisure have submitted an Appeal against Mendip District Council’s refusal of permission for the development of the rest of the Bath Road Heights site for 8 new 4 and 5 bedroom detached homes (ref 2014/0981/FUL) on Bath Road at the northern edge of Frome. I commented […]

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I am keeping an eye on local planning matters in the area. Co-op at Fromefield: Revised plans for the proposed Co-op convenience store (ref 2013/1514) have been submitted which the developer hopes will overcome local objections on design and road safety. Please see here for the revised plans, which were consulted on up to mid-May. […]

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Earlier this month, the planning application for 14 houses at ‘Bath Road Heights’, phase 2 of the redevelopment of the former Mendip Lodge Hotel site, opposite Frome Community College, were withdrawn by Latona Leisure. The planning application submitted to Mendip District Council last autumn was for 14 new 3, 4 and 5 bedroom houses on […]

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What have I been doing?

by adamboyden on 17 December, 2013

I have been working on a few things recently, in response to local residents concerns, which you have told me about on the doorstep, on the phone and by email: Flytipping on Gypsy Lane – Public Meeting to be held: Yesterday Mendip District Council’s Enforcement officers agreed to my suggestion to hold a public meeting […]

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A new planning application has just been submitted by Latona Leisure for more houses at the former Mendip Lodge Hotel site on Bath Road, now known as ‘Bath Road Heights’. The plans are for 14 detached 3-, 4- and 5-bedroom houses at the remaining part of the former hotel site at the northern edge of Frome. […]

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Housebuilding starts at Mendip Lodge Hotel site

by adamboyden on 5 February, 2013

Last week, Latona Leisure, the owners of the Mendip Lodge Hotel site on Bath Road, northern Frome, started site work on the development of 6 new detached houses on the southern part of the site, next to the three existing dwellings. This is four months after withdrawing plans for further housing development across the majority of […]

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