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Archive for the ‘River Frome’ Category

Litter picks are being organised around Frome as part of the Great British Spring Clean.  The Great British Spring Clean is a national campaign designed to help keep our streets looking good. Local volunteers are being asked to join in and help make neighbourhoods as clean as possible this spring in time for the warmer weather. […]

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September newsletter

by adamboyden on 8 September, 2016

Dear All,  I hope you find this update on news for Frome College ward, Frome, Mendip and the wider world useful. Please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. A quick update on news for Frome College ward and surrounding areas in Frome, Mendip and Somerset. How can I help? […]

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Frome Community Funding workshop, 26th March Frome Town Council are holding a community workshop on Wednesday 26 March at 7 (7.30) to 9pm at Frome Town Football Club, to discuss what local funding is available to community groups and projects, and how you can access it. See  Rodden Meadows consultation, 26th March The above workshop […]

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Major housing development proposed at Packsaddle Way

by adamboyden on 21 February, 2014

An outline planning application has been submitted to Mendip District Council for the development of 107 new houses in a field on Cuckoo Hill, between Packsaddle Way, Innox Hill and Spring Gardens, and close to the River Frome downstream of the town. The submitted plans, reports and consultation comments, can all be found on Mendip […]

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Saxonvale news update

by adamboyden on 17 January, 2014

An outline planning application has been submitted to Mendip District Council by Frontier Estates for mixed uses (including a supermarket, other retail units, restaurants, offices/studios, a hotel, space for a relocated FETE education centre, car parking and open space; ref no. 2013/2260/OTS) at the mainly derelict site between Saxonvale and Garsdale, on land owned by […]

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So much going on in Frome

by adamboyden on 28 October, 2013

Reasons to be cheerful… it’s soon #Frome SuperMarket, Artisan, Flea, Farmers & Peoples markets, Sunday 3rd Nov: What do you want to see happen in #Frome? Public consultation begins today on the draft Frome Neighbourhood Plan: ‘Participate #Frome‘ week, to encourage all to have their say and get involved in projects across Frome: […]

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Improving play areas and green spaces

by adamboyden on 21 January, 2013

Somewhat disappointingly, I have just heard that work on Mendip District Council’s Play Strategy, which will decide how the council will invest in play areas across the district, and which sites it could be transferring to town councils, has been delayed again. This is because it has been decided there needs to be additional work on the audit of […]

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