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Archive for the ‘Environment’ Category

Fly problem in north west Frome

by adamboyden on 16 June, 2018

I am aware of a fly problem in some parts of the north west of Frome. I raised this with Mendip District Council’s Environmental Health officers and this is their response: ‘Unfortunately the fly problem is most likely to be associated with the Frome sewage treatment works which does sometimes affect nearby properties despite Wessex […]

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February 2017 Newsletter

by adamboyden on 28 February, 2017

Dear All,  please see below a roundup of news from the ward and local area, and updates on what your councils are doing. This has taken some time, so apologies it has been a long time since the last one. Old Showfield improvements to continue Frome Town Council is planning further improvements to the Old […]

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March/April newsletter

by adamboyden on 4 April, 2016

Please see below my newsletter for Frome College ward, Frome and Mendip. I hope you find it useful. How can I help? Please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. Leisure Centre reopening delayed: As a member of Mendip District Council’s Leisure Strategic Board, last week I had a tour […]

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Local residents and Frome Town Council are joining the UK’s largest litter pick to try to clean up the country in time for June – when the official celebration of the Queen’s 90th birthday will take place. One big litter pick is being organised by local residents in the Stonebridge area of Frome on Saturday […]

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As predicted, the Government has confirmed its intention to grant licences for unconventional gas (coal bed methane) exploration in areas near Frome, in and around Rode, Beckington, Westbury, Trowbridge and Warminster. In its response to consultation feedback from local councils, environmental groups, industry and local residents (including myself) on the Government’s assessments of the likely […]

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Commerce Park development update

by adamboyden on 27 November, 2015

At the Commerce Park, Acheson & Acheson are putting in a planning application to extend their successful beauty products factory, closer to the boundary of the Commerce Park, in an area currently zoned for B1 office uses only, as it is close to houses on the edge of town. They held a consultation meeting earlier […]

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It is nearly there – the deal that will see the old Showfield in the hands of the local community, with Frome Town Council taking over control and management of this important open space soon. Frome Town Council are anticipating taking control shortly, and are now asking for local residents’ views on what should be […]

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Working for a cleaner greener Frome

by adamboyden on 22 April, 2015

As a district and town councillor for Frome College ward I have worked to tackle litter, flytipping, unauthorised camps and flygrazing graffiti in and around this area for years. Mendip has spent less on litter clearance (in a new Core Services contract) to save money. Recently I have drawn Mendip’s attention to litter hotspots so […]

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Saying No to fracking in Mendip

by adamboyden on 22 April, 2015

Last year I and other Lib Dem councillors at Mendip were delighted to help successfully propose and negotiate a strongly worded cross-party motion through Mendip District Council, which raised concerns about the harmful impacts of ‘fracking’ for shale gas in the district. The motion was drawn up with local experts, agreed that Mendip seeks to […]

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Showfield deal progressing well

by adamboyden on 13 February, 2015

Last week Mendip District Council’s Corporate Asset Management Group (CAMG) approved the Council’s proposed surrender of leases at the old Showfield. This was advertised in local newspapers for the legally required period, following CAMG’s decision in December to surrender the leases. This was agreed as the quickest more painless way to allow Frome Town Council to purchase and […]

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I sent the letter below to the Frome Times today: In response to Councillor Dobinson’s letter in the last issue of Frome Times, about the report he commissioned from Friends of the River Frome (using his ward allocation of Mendip District Council’s Community Environment Fund) into the feasibility of reducing flood risks at Wallbridge, I […]

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Fracking: action to protect the Mendip area

by adamboyden on 3 February, 2015

My letter to the Frome Standard this week (see here): Dear Editor, In response to Duncan Skene’s letter last week, I can remind readers that local Lib Dem councillors, including me, have already taken action in response to concerns about the potential harmful environmental effects that industrial scale high pressure high volume unconventional gas exploration, […]

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Frome Town Council propose to buy old Showfield

by adamboyden on 31 October, 2014

Letter to residents, 4th November 2014: Dear all, Thanks for contacting me and informing me over the years about issues and your concerns about the old Showfield. Since 2011 I have raised these issues, including a lack of management, security against travellers, flooding, dogs in the playground and the need for a fence, and the […]

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Fracking update: protecting our environment

by adamboyden on 8 July, 2014

(As sent to Frome Times and Frome Standard, 14 July 2014) In response to Steve Williams’ letter in a previous issue, I should remind readers that local Lib Dem councillors, including me, continue to protect our area against fracking for shale gas, despite the Conservative part of the coalition Government having a ‘gung ho’ attitude […]

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I have just received the following from Mendip District Council’s Planning Team Manager, about the proposed change to how planning applications are handled. “As you may be aware, the Council’s Planning Board resolved in 2005/06 that all planning applications for development at Commerce Park should be determined by the Board (as opposed to officer delegation).Given […]

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Gypsy Lane: Residents have their say on flytipping

by adamboyden on 29 April, 2014

For the first time ever a public meeting has been held about the problem of flytipping on and around Gypsy Lane, which has been getting worse for 20 years. I arranged the meeting which was held yesterday evening, with fellow Mendip district councillor Peter Knibbs (Con, Beckington & Selwood), Mendip District Council’s enforcement officer (Ian […]

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Press release In response to continued complaints from local residents about the ongoing serious flytipping on Gypsy Lane and Berkley Lane, which has gone on for years just outside Frome, local district councillors Adam Boyden and Peter Knibbs have organised a public meeting on the issue. The meeting is on Monday 28th April, at 7.00 […]

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New dog controls in Frome?

by adamboyden on 14 April, 2014

Frome Town Council is inviting local people to take part in a survey on the possibility of introducing Dog Control Orders (DCOs) on land that FTC owns or manages. DCOs are used to make sure dog owners are considerate of others. In the extreme the Police can prosecute dog owners who do not pick up […]

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Frome Community Funding workshop, 26th March Frome Town Council are holding a community workshop on Wednesday 26 March at 7 (7.30) to 9pm at Frome Town Football Club, to discuss what local funding is available to community groups and projects, and how you can access it. See  Rodden Meadows consultation, 26th March The above workshop […]

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Community funding available

by adamboyden on 14 March, 2014

In 2013 Mendip District Council released £350,000 to fund local community projects, as part of the New Homes Bonus grant that the council will use to encourage and support projects across the district. Two funds were established: the Local Legacy Fund and the Community Environment Fund. The Community Environment Fund is still ‘live’ and makes […]

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