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Archive for the ‘Showfield’ Category

Old Showfield survey

by adamboyden on 17 February, 2019

Since Frome Town Council took over the Old Showfield in 2015, there have been many changes. The Town Council is now updating the Management and Improvement Plan. As one of your ward councillors, I want to know what you think of the changes and proposals, and if anything else needs doing. Please take the survey […]

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Frome Fireworks and thanks to proactive councillors

by adamboyden on 5 November, 2018

It was wonderful to see thousands of people enjoying the Frome Fireworks display at the Old Showfield last Saturday, the first public display in town for over 10 years. Thanks go to the Frome Rotary clubs and Frome Town Council for organising (and proposing it in the ‘People’s Budget’ process) and also to the Cricket […]

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Old Showfield celebration

by adamboyden on 23 October, 2018

It was wonderful to see hundreds of people out in the sunshine enjoying the Old Showfield at its best on Sunday, for Frome Town Council’s Apple Day celebrations at the newly planted orchard. There were guided tours, apple peeling, apple pressing, training sessions at the outdoor gym, and families and children enjoying the recently repaired […]

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September newsletter

by adamboyden on 30 September, 2018

Dear all, As one of your district councillors I try to keep you informed on local issues, so here is my latest newsround: Standing up for Somerton & Frome Last weekend I was delighted to be selected as Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the Liberal Democrats in the Somerton & Frome constituency. Please see here for […]

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August update

by adamboyden on 3 August, 2018

A quick update on a few things: Frome Town Council’s Showfield community orchard consultation took place this afternoon again on the old Showfield – so apologies if you missed it, but please see my July newsletter here for information and how to have your say. If you didn’t know already, Lilley’s Cider are having an open day […]

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July newsletter

by adamboyden on 22 July, 2018

Dear all, As one of the councillors for Frome College ward on Mendip District Council, I want to keep you up to date, so please see below for my latest news on local issues: Community orchard proposed at the Old Showfield Planning application for 96 homes at Packsaddle Way has been withdrawn Packsaddle parks in […]

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May newsletter

by adamboyden on 21 May, 2018

Dear all, I am one of the councillors for Frome College ward on Mendip District Council, and want to keep you up to date, please see below for my latest news on local issues: Opposition to Mendip’s Sunday parking charges Somerset County Council calls for conversation on Unitary Council Changing Places puts Frome on the […]

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Things happening at the Old Showfield

by adamboyden on 20 May, 2018

There is alot planned for the Old Showfield this year. The final repairs to the lower part of the childrens playground at the Old Showfield are at last taking place. The repaired upper playground looks very good. Frome Town Council are encouraging people to use the Outdoor Gym at the Old Showfield, and are running introduction […]

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Mendip District Council’s Draft ‘Pre-Submission’ Local Plan Part 2 public consultation ended on 12th February. Some 300 responses have so far been added to the council’s website here and there are more to be added. Policy FR6: Land at Innox Hill (Packsaddle Way) There are many objections from local residents and other councillors to policy FR6 and […]

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Showfield improvements update

by adamboyden on 28 December, 2017

The improvements to the play area at the Old Showfield – see here for details – are underway. Frome Town Council’s contractors started to install new play surfacing and improve footpaths around the play area, and put in a rope up the slope of the slide, and they will also repair all the broken play equipment – […]

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December 2017 news

by adamboyden on 28 December, 2017

Dear all, As one of your councillors on Mendip District Council, I aim to keep local residents updated on local issues: Grange Road mobile phone mast appeal – deadline 4th January for responses Showfield improvement works Mendip consults on continued closure of Gypsy Lane Frome Town Council: meetings and Boyle Cross works Frome Sports Forum […]

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May newsletter

by adamboyden on 21 May, 2017

As one of your ward councillors I need to keep you updated on a few things: Reminder – a Hustings debate for the General Election is being held at Frome Town Football Club today Sunday 21st May at 2.00-4.00pm. All 5 candidates will be answering questions put by local people – please see here for […]

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February 2017 Newsletter

by adamboyden on 28 February, 2017

Dear All,  please see below a roundup of news from the ward and local area, and updates on what your councils are doing. This has taken some time, so apologies it has been a long time since the last one. Old Showfield improvements to continue Frome Town Council is planning further improvements to the Old […]

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Old Showfield improvements continue

by adamboyden on 12 February, 2017

Frome Town Council is planning further improvements to the Old Showfield in the next few months, in line with the Management and Improvements Plan it adopted last year after local people were consulted in autumn 2014 and again early last year. More footpaths will be resurfaced, trees will be planted and picnic tables installed, and […]

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September newsletter

by adamboyden on 8 September, 2016

Dear All,  I hope you find this update on news for Frome College ward, Frome, Mendip and the wider world useful. Please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. A quick update on news for Frome College ward and surrounding areas in Frome, Mendip and Somerset. How can I help? […]

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The Old Showfield – Reasons to be cheerful, part 3

by adamboyden on 11 August, 2016

Alot is now happening at the Old Showfield, as a result of Frome Town Council taking over management and ownership of the main field (and lease of the back fields) last September, adopting the Management and Improvement Plan in March (after public consultation) and obtaining the ‘Section 106’ funding from Mendip District Council (largely from […]

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July newsletter

by adamboyden on 8 July, 2016

Dear All,  I hope you find this update on news for Frome College ward, Frome and Mendip useful. How can I help? As ever, please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. Super Frome 10k: Once again I am running the Frome 10k on Sunday 17th July as part of […]

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End of May newsletter

by adamboyden on 26 May, 2016

Newsletter 27 May 2016 Dear All, A quick update for you on news for Frome College ward, Frome and Mendip. I hope you find it useful. How can I help? As ever, please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. Showfield improvements – Magnificent Meadows event, Monday 30th May: Frome […]

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April/May newsletter

by adamboyden on 4 May, 2016

Dear All, A quick update for you on news for Frome College ward, Frome and Mendip. I hope you find it useful. How can I help? Please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. Frome Leisure Centre to reopen on 1st June: Fusion have now announced that the revamped Frome […]

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March/April newsletter

by adamboyden on 4 April, 2016

Please see below my newsletter for Frome College ward, Frome and Mendip. I hope you find it useful. How can I help? Please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. Leisure Centre reopening delayed: As a member of Mendip District Council’s Leisure Strategic Board, last week I had a tour […]

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