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Archive for the ‘Litter’ Category

May newsletter

by adamboyden on 21 May, 2018

Dear all, I am one of the councillors for Frome College ward on Mendip District Council, and want to keep you up to date, please see below for my latest news on local issues: Opposition to Mendip’s Sunday parking charges Somerset County Council calls for conversation on Unitary Council Changing Places puts Frome on the […]

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Litter picks are being organised around Frome as part of the Great British Spring Clean.  The Great British Spring Clean is a national campaign designed to help keep our streets looking good. Local volunteers are being asked to join in and help make neighbourhoods as clean as possible this spring in time for the warmer weather. […]

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Litter Picks at Stonebridge, Gypsy Lane and Frome town centre – can you help? A big litter pick is now being organised in Stonebridge on Saturday 4th March from 10.30am to 12 noon, meeting outside the shops at Forest Road as usual. Last year 20 people came to help – please see here for last […]

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March/April newsletter

by adamboyden on 4 April, 2016

Please see below my newsletter for Frome College ward, Frome and Mendip. I hope you find it useful. How can I help? Please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. Leisure Centre reopening delayed: As a member of Mendip District Council’s Leisure Strategic Board, last week I had a tour […]

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Showfield Improvement Plans debated tonight Please see a link to the report on the proposed Old Showfield management and improvement plan, which is being debated and hopefully approved at Frome Town Council’s meeting at 7pm at Rook Lane Chapel tonight, as item 7 of the agenda on pages 12-14, and at Appendix 3 here  […]

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Local residents and Frome Town Council are joining the UK’s largest litter pick to try to clean up the country in time for June – when the official celebration of the Queen’s 90th birthday will take place. One big litter pick is being organised by local residents in the Stonebridge area of Frome on Saturday […]

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Working for a cleaner greener Frome

by adamboyden on 22 April, 2015

As a district and town councillor for Frome College ward I have worked to tackle litter, flytipping, unauthorised camps and flygrazing graffiti in and around this area for years. Mendip has spent less on litter clearance (in a new Core Services contract) to save money. Recently I have drawn Mendip’s attention to litter hotspots so […]

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Stonebridge litter pick success

by adamboyden on 25 March, 2015

The Stonebridge community litter pick on Saturday 21st March was a great success. Over twenty volunteers took part including a number of younger members of our community. They all worked enthusiastically for an hour making a significant difference to the area.  Most of the rubbish we collected was in the bushes and brambles next to paths, open spaces and in the stream.  […]

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Keep Stonebridge, and the rest of Frome, Tidy

by adamboyden on 10 February, 2015

After a recent complaint from a local resident, I contacted Mendip District Council about several parts of Stonebridge where litter has been accumulating badly and was not being cleared up by Mendip’s street cleansing contractors as regularly or as effectively it should. The area badly littered included the green spaces around the shops on Forest […]

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