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Archive for the ‘Local democracy’ Category

Consultation on Local Community Networks

by adamboyden on 7 September, 2022

The Somerset County Council consultation on Local Community Networks (LCNs) has just been launched, and runs until 17th October. The new unitary Somerset Council will cover a large geographical area and so needs local committees of the council where voices can be heard, partners brought together, and decisions taken with the benefit of local knowledge […]

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On 2nd May, Somerset County Council’s Conservative leadership surprised the county’s 5 district councils by announcing it was starting a conversation about the future of local government in Somerset, including the option of replacing all 6 councils with one or more unitary authorities. The County Council announcement is here. SCC argue that a unitary council […]

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Why I am standing again for your local council

by adamboyden on 23 February, 2015

I have worked hard for 4 years as your Lib Dem councillor for Frome College ward on both Mendip District Council (since May 2011) and Frome Town Councils (since December 2013), with and for the local community on a wide range of issues. If you like, I would be happy to continue to work for […]

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My letter on local devolution in Mendip

by adamboyden on 22 October, 2014

In the Frome Times and (hopefully Frome Standard and other newspapers) this week is my letter on local democracy and devolution in Mendip: Dear Editor, At the last Mendip District Council meeting, after surprisingly lively discussions on the recording and potential broadcasting of Council meetings, the Council’s financial investments, and membership of the Planning Board, […]

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Questions for Mendip District Council

by adamboyden on 1 October, 2014

The next Full Council meeting of Mendip District Council is this Thursday 2nd October at the newly rebuilt Council Chamber in Shepton Mallet – see here for the agenda which includes agreeing the members of the reduced 15-member Planning Board, new rules for allowing members of the public to record council meetings, a treasury management […]

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