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Archive for the ‘Local Plan’ Category

Packsaddle Way development allocation to be rejected

by adamboyden on 17 November, 2018

I received the agenda for Mendip’s Cabinet meeting on 26th November this week. Agenda item 11 listed here deals with the proposed changes to Mendip’s Local Plan Part 2. Cabinet is asked to agree Proposed Changes (also known as ‘modifications’) following an assessment of responses to consultation on the Pre-submission Plan held in Jan/Feb 2018. Subject to […]

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Packsaddle housing plans withdrawn

by adamboyden on 12 July, 2018

I have heard from the Planning department at Mendip District Council that the planning application for 96 homes at the end of Packsaddle Way has recently been withdrawn.  This was application reference 2018/0256/OTA, submitted earlier this year.  There were over 130 public comments, including 107 objections and 28 in support. Official objections were submitted by Frome Town Council […]

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May newsletter

by adamboyden on 21 May, 2018

Dear all, I am one of the councillors for Frome College ward on Mendip District Council, and want to keep you up to date, please see below for my latest news on local issues: Opposition to Mendip’s Sunday parking charges Somerset County Council calls for conversation on Unitary Council Changing Places puts Frome on the […]

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Mendip District Council’s Draft ‘Pre-Submission’ Local Plan Part 2 public consultation ended on 12th February. Some 300 responses have so far been added to the council’s website here and there are more to be added. Policy FR6: Land at Innox Hill (Packsaddle Way) There are many objections from local residents and other councillors to policy FR6 and […]

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Mendip District Council’s Draft ‘Pre-Submission’ Local Plan Part 2 is now out for public consultation until mid-February 2018 – see here (see Section 10 Town Policies, pages 18-19). Policy FR6 proposes to allocate the large field between the end of Packsaddle Way, Innox Hill and Spring Gardens for the development of up to 100 houses. […]

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December 2017 news

by adamboyden on 28 December, 2017

Dear all, As one of your councillors on Mendip District Council, I aim to keep local residents updated on local issues: Grange Road mobile phone mast appeal – deadline 4th January for responses Showfield improvement works Mendip consults on continued closure of Gypsy Lane Frome Town Council: meetings and Boyle Cross works Frome Sports Forum […]

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February 2017 Newsletter

by adamboyden on 28 February, 2017

Dear All,  please see below a roundup of news from the ward and local area, and updates on what your councils are doing. This has taken some time, so apologies it has been a long time since the last one. Old Showfield improvements to continue Frome Town Council is planning further improvements to the Old […]

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Mendip Local Plan part 2 consultation

by adamboyden on 17 December, 2015

Mendip’s draft Local Plan Part 2 was published for public consultation until 16th December, and sets out where more housing and other development could go between now and 2029, including at least 350 more houses in Frome. It identifies two greenfield sites at Packsaddle Way as potentially suitable for new housing. Site 5 (‘the school […]

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I am keeping an eye on local planning matters in the area. Co-op at Fromefield: Revised plans for the proposed Co-op convenience store (ref 2013/1514) have been submitted which the developer hopes will overcome local objections on design and road safety. Please see here for the revised plans, which were consulted on up to mid-May. […]

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