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Archive for the ‘Local Council’ Category

April news

by adamboyden on 14 April, 2023

New era at Somerset Council The main news this month is that 1st April was ‘vesting day’ for the new Somerset Council, a ‘unitary authority’ that has taken over all services from the district and county councils – please see here, including useful links the new website. That means no more Mendip District Council, or […]

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Consultation on Local Community Networks

by adamboyden on 7 September, 2022

The Somerset County Council consultation on Local Community Networks (LCNs) has just been launched, and runs until 17th October. The new unitary Somerset Council will cover a large geographical area and so needs local committees of the council where voices can be heard, partners brought together, and decisions taken with the benefit of local knowledge […]

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Somerset councils study unitary options

by adamboyden on 25 November, 2018

Please find below the Joint Statement of the Leaders of Mendip District Council, Sedgemoor District Council, Somerset County Council, South Somerset District Council, Taunton Deane Borough Council and West Somerset District Council with regards to working together for the communities of Somerset. This was issued to Mendip District Councillors and others on 13th November 2018: […]

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Frome Town Council buys the Old Showfield

by adamboyden on 28 September, 2015

Since 2011,I have campaigned for the old Showfield to be protected and improved. Plans were drawn up years ago, after a consultation by Frome Town Council and Vision For Frome on how to spend the £40,000 improvements fund on improving footpaths, more seating, a fence for the playground (to keep dogs out) and play equipment […]

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Mendip agree to surrender leases on old Showfield

by adamboyden on 8 December, 2014

Last week, Mendip District Council agreed to surrender its leases for the old Showfield, so that Frome Town Council can purchase, maintain and enhance the site as a community asset and give local residents more direct control over the popular open space. This was decided at MDC’s Corporate Asset Management Group last week. This is […]

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Mendip District Council’s Cabinet met on Monday 24th November to decide who would take over the Council’s leisure centres in June 2015, and agreed that the best bid was from Fusion Lifestyle, a charity. Please see MDC’s announcement after the meeting, a link to Mendip’s Questions and Answers, and the Frome Standard article on this. The […]

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Frome Town Council agrees to buy old Showfield

by adamboyden on 6 November, 2014

I am pleased to be able to say that at last week’s Frome Town Council meeting, councillors agreed unanimously to purchase the main part of the old Showfield (the open area, the childrens playground and the Collegians football pitch, excluding the cricket pitch, car park and pavilion) and to take a long-term lease on the […]

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Frome Town Council propose to buy old Showfield

by adamboyden on 31 October, 2014

Letter to residents, 4th November 2014: Dear all, Thanks for contacting me and informing me over the years about issues and your concerns about the old Showfield. Since 2011 I have raised these issues, including a lack of management, security against travellers, flooding, dogs in the playground and the need for a fence, and the […]

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My letter on local devolution in Mendip

by adamboyden on 22 October, 2014

In the Frome Times and (hopefully Frome Standard and other newspapers) this week is my letter on local democracy and devolution in Mendip: Dear Editor, At the last Mendip District Council meeting, after surprisingly lively discussions on the recording and potential broadcasting of Council meetings, the Council’s financial investments, and membership of the Planning Board, […]

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Questions for Mendip District Council

by adamboyden on 1 October, 2014

The next Full Council meeting of Mendip District Council is this Thursday 2nd October at the newly rebuilt Council Chamber in Shepton Mallet – see here for the agenda which includes agreeing the members of the reduced 15-member Planning Board, new rules for allowing members of the public to record council meetings, a treasury management […]

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Letter on recycling centres

by adamboyden on 1 October, 2014

Last week’s Frome Standard carried a letter from Mr Alan Townsend (who criticised cllr Derek Tanswell (Lib Dem, Frome Market ward) for his letter the week before). My response this week is below: “Dear Editor In response to Alan Townsend’s letter last week, I have to say that cllr Tanswell is not at all to […]

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Mendip District Council has granted planning permission for the revised plans for a Co-op convenience store at Fromefield, which will demolish the former surgery building on the corner with Rodden Road/Bath Road, after the planning officer recommended approval and the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Board waived it through, despite local objections. I […]

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Mendip’s Shadow Cabinet announced

by adamboyden on 22 May, 2014

Recently the Lib Dem Group of councillors at Mendip District Council agreed their Shadow Cabinet team for the forthcoming year. The 13 Lib Dem councillors at Mendip (including 5 former Mayors of Frome, Wells and Glastonbury) are the official opposition and face the ruling Conservative group (31 councillors), with 1 Labour and 2 independent councillors. […]

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New dog controls in Frome?

by adamboyden on 14 April, 2014

Frome Town Council is inviting local people to take part in a survey on the possibility of introducing Dog Control Orders (DCOs) on land that FTC owns or manages. DCOs are used to make sure dog owners are considerate of others. In the extreme the Police can prosecute dog owners who do not pick up […]

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Fed up with the flytipping on Gypsy Lane?  I am working with another local councillor, Peter Knibbs, to arrange a public meeting for local residents to ask questions, raise concerns and hear from Mendip District Council, the Police and other authorities, about how we can work together to tackle the horrendous flytipping on Gypsy Lane […]

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Frome Community Funding workshop, 26th March Frome Town Council are holding a community workshop on Wednesday 26 March at 7 (7.30) to 9pm at Frome Town Football Club, to discuss what local funding is available to community groups and projects, and how you can access it. See  Rodden Meadows consultation, 26th March The above workshop […]

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Public meeting on flytipping: I am working with another local councillor to arrange a public meeting in the near future, to allow local residents to ask questions, raise concerns and hear from Mendip District Council, the Police and other authorities, about how the community and authorities can work together to tackle the horrendous flytipping on […]

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Community funding available

by adamboyden on 14 March, 2014

In 2013 Mendip District Council released £350,000 to fund local community projects, as part of the New Homes Bonus grant that the council will use to encourage and support projects across the district. Two funds were established: the Local Legacy Fund and the Community Environment Fund. The Community Environment Fund is still ‘live’ and makes […]

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Major housing development proposed at Packsaddle Way

by adamboyden on 21 February, 2014

An outline planning application has been submitted to Mendip District Council for the development of 107 new houses in a field on Cuckoo Hill, between Packsaddle Way, Innox Hill and Spring Gardens, and close to the River Frome downstream of the town. The submitted plans, reports and consultation comments, can all be found on Mendip […]

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Saxonvale news update

by adamboyden on 17 January, 2014

An outline planning application has been submitted to Mendip District Council by Frontier Estates for mixed uses (including a supermarket, other retail units, restaurants, offices/studios, a hotel, space for a relocated FETE education centre, car parking and open space; ref no. 2013/2260/OTS) at the mainly derelict site between Saxonvale and Garsdale, on land owned by […]

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