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Archive for the ‘Letters’ Category

Less knocks on the door

by adamboyden on 26 October, 2018

One of the better things to come out of the last Mendip full council meeting (see here) was a verbal reply by the Cabinet member for finance, to my question on the council’s use of Capita-owned enforcement agents (formerly known as bailiffs) to collect Council Tax in relation to people in financial distress. I asked […]

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United in opposition to Sunday parking charges

by adamboyden on 17 May, 2018

As members of the main opposition at Mendip District Council, we are very concerned about the proposed introduction of parking charges on Sundays in Frome, which is recommendation 4 in the item 10 report (Car Park Charges Review) to Mendip’s Cabinet meeting on Monday 21st May (see here: agenda, report, review report, comments part 1 and […]

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GP appointments survey results

by adamboyden on 24 February, 2018

As you may know, in November Frome Medical Practice changed their GP appointment system. After we heard some concerns, we launched a survey to ask people if they were satisfied or not and why (see the original article and link to survey here). We had over 250 responses online and several in writing. In summary: […]

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Why we are standing

by adamboyden on 11 April, 2017

Dear Frome Times and Frome Standard, John Osman’s letter in the last issue was predictable, but as far as we can see the Conservative run Somerset County Council’s record over the last 8 years has not been great. He cannot justify his council failing vulnerable children with a Children’s Service rated “inadequate”since 2013 because of […]

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At the time of writing we still await a decision from NHS England on whether they will allow Frome Medical Practice to close Locks Hill surgery permanently. Of course the consultation on the closure should have been carried out earlier and for longer, and the NHS should have given approval before the lease ran out […]

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Two weeks ago I wrote to the Frome Standard (and Somerset Guardian, printed 9 June 2016) explaining why I am voting to remain with a long list of Remain supporters, and a few reasons… “What do financial expert Martin Lewis, Barack Obama, Stephen Hawking, Benedict Cumberbatch, Delia Smith, Emily (and Michael) Eavis, Yanis Varoufakis, Wyke […]

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I sent the letter below to the Frome Times today: In response to Councillor Dobinson’s letter in the last issue of Frome Times, about the report he commissioned from Friends of the River Frome (using his ward allocation of Mendip District Council’s Community Environment Fund) into the feasibility of reducing flood risks at Wallbridge, I […]

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Letter on recycling centres

by adamboyden on 1 October, 2014

Last week’s Frome Standard carried a letter from Mr Alan Townsend (who criticised cllr Derek Tanswell (Lib Dem, Frome Market ward) for his letter the week before). My response this week is below: “Dear Editor In response to Alan Townsend’s letter last week, I have to say that cllr Tanswell is not at all to […]

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Fracking update: protecting our environment

by adamboyden on 8 July, 2014

(As sent to Frome Times and Frome Standard, 14 July 2014) In response to Steve Williams’ letter in a previous issue, I should remind readers that local Lib Dem councillors, including me, continue to protect our area against fracking for shale gas, despite the Conservative part of the coalition Government having a ‘gung ho’ attitude […]

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Town Council vacancy in College ward: updated!

by adamboyden on 18 October, 2013

Recently, one of the three Frome Town Councillors for College ward, James Godman (Conservative),  resigned from the council.  I do wish James all the best for the future. See The Town Council’s recently advertised the vacancy and stated “If a written request for an election to fill this vacancy is made to the Returning Officer […]

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A local resident has raised concerns over speed bumps in Stonebridge Drive – see Frome Times article from April –  “The speed bumps were installed when the Stonebridge Drive development was built, and are designed to reduce the speed of traffic in the residential area and approach to the sports centre and college. However, […]

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Showfield improvements update

by adamboyden on 10 October, 2013

Update 15th October: Mendip’s Cabinet have approved the transfer of leases to Frome Town Council, subject to the Council entering into negotiations with Frome Town Council about whether the proposed fence to the children’s play area should be included in the Section 106 improvements fund. See the following joint press release here: See also the […]

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My letter to local newspapers is below, Dear Editor, It has been two years now since Conservative run Somerset County Council cut the waste and recycling budget to such an extent that all household recycling centres were forced to close on 2 days and week and on Sunday afternoons, and new charges were introduced for […]

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Pothole wars

by adamboyden on 22 March, 2013

Recent letters to the Somerset Standard from Conservative councillors and supporters are getting really silly. They say Lib Dem Mendip District cllr and county council candidate for Frome North, Sam Phripp, should not be asking people to tell him about any potholes in the area so he can report them (via text to 07564 737912, […]

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Let’s bring real tangible benefits to community

by adamboyden on 22 February, 2013

My letter to this week’s Somerset Standard: After previous letters, I would say all councillors know they are there to represent residents fairly and transparently, whether in a party or not.  There are so many initiatives to improve Frome that need good cooperation between Frome Town, Mendip District, and Somerset County Councils and with local […]

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My letter below appeared in the Frome Times on 17th July and in the Somerset Standard on 19th July: Dear Sirs, On Wednesday last week, the group of travellers living on the old Showfield left after two weeks, complying at last with the 2nd eviction notice served by Mendip District Council. I and the local residents […]

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Action on Graffiti at Stonebridge, Frome

by adamboyden on 18 May, 2012

I have been busy recently tackling graffiti at and around the shops on Forest Road, Stonebridge. Below is the content of my letters to Frome Times and the Somerset Standard to be published on 22 and 24 May 2012.  Some useful phone numbers and websites are listed below so that people can take action when any new graffiti appears. Letter:  “Dear Sirs, […]

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On Monday 2nd April 2012, Mendip District Council’s Cabinet endorsed a revised plan to improve Frome’s twice-weekly market, which Lib Dems in Frome and Mendip welcome as we have worked on the proposals with Mendip’s Conservative-run and Frome’s independent-run councils. This is now proceeding towards reality on the ground, with a target start in May […]

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Letter to Frome Times, w/c 12th March 2012

by adamboyden on 16 March, 2012

I was pleased to see this newspaper cover the Mendip District Council meeting which discussed budgets and medium term resource strategy, in the last issue. I and other Lib Dem councillors in Frome would like to challenge the statement made by Cllr Stephen Priscott, in which he is quoted, at the end of your piece, as saying […]

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Dear editor,  I and other councillors are now gathering initial feedback from local residents about Mendip District Council’s new emerging proposals (which drew on an idea from Cllr Adrian Dobinson, Lib Dem Berkley Down) to work towards a 3 month trial relocation of Frome’s weekly Saturday market to the Market Place with a road closure […]

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