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Archive for the ‘Somerset County Council’ Category

Somerset councils study unitary options

by adamboyden on 25 November, 2018

Please find below the Joint Statement of the Leaders of Mendip District Council, Sedgemoor District Council, Somerset County Council, South Somerset District Council, Taunton Deane Borough Council and West Somerset District Council with regards to working together for the communities of Somerset. This was issued to Mendip District Councillors and others on 13th November 2018: […]

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September newsletter

by adamboyden on 30 September, 2018

Dear all, As one of your district councillors I try to keep you informed on local issues, so here is my latest newsround: Standing up for Somerton & Frome Last weekend I was delighted to be selected as Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the Liberal Democrats in the Somerton & Frome constituency. Please see here for […]

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Yesterday (Weds 12th September) Somerset County Council’s Cabinet agreed to make huge spending cuts in over 70 areas of work, despite angry protests from unions, opposition councillors and members of the public. The cuts include: reducing the winter road gritting service from 23 to 16 routes (and not providing grit to any local grit bins), […]

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Please see below a question and a motion for Full Council on 24th September. The motion is item 17 (see here), and the question is item 19, of the agenda – see here. The meeting is held in the Council Chamber of Mendip District Council offices, Shape Mendip hub, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet. To speak at […]

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May newsletter

by adamboyden on 21 May, 2018

Dear all, I am one of the councillors for Frome College ward on Mendip District Council, and want to keep you up to date, please see below for my latest news on local issues: Opposition to Mendip’s Sunday parking charges Somerset County Council calls for conversation on Unitary Council Changing Places puts Frome on the […]

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On 2nd May, Somerset County Council’s Conservative leadership surprised the county’s 5 district councils by announcing it was starting a conversation about the future of local government in Somerset, including the option of replacing all 6 councils with one or more unitary authorities. The County Council announcement is here. SCC argue that a unitary council […]

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My record of action and promise of more

by adamboyden on 20 April, 2018

I have worked hard for 7 years now as the Lib Dem councillor for Frome College ward on Mendip District Council (since May 2011) and Frome Town Council (from December 2013 to May 2015), with and for the local community on a wide range of issues. A record of action: Over the last 7 years […]

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February 2017 Newsletter

by adamboyden on 28 February, 2017

Dear All,  please see below a roundup of news from the ward and local area, and updates on what your councils are doing. This has taken some time, so apologies it has been a long time since the last one. Old Showfield improvements to continue Frome Town Council is planning further improvements to the Old […]

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Somerset County Council Budget

by adamboyden on 7 February, 2017

Somerset Liberal Democrats PRESS NOTICE Monday 6th February 2017 Jane Lock calls for more detail in County Budget Liberal Democrat County Group Leader Jane Lock has reacted with concern to the budget proposals put forward by the Tories today at County Hall. Everyone acknowledges that Somerset County Council has a crisis in Adult Social Care […]

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October newsletter

by adamboyden on 21 October, 2016

Dear All,   A quick update – and some questions at the end for you –   Referendum approves Frome’s Neighbourhood Plan: Yesterday the people of Frome voted to back proposals for a new Neighbourhood Plan, with 86% voting in favour and 14% against. A total of 3,631 people voted – a turnout of 17.9% […]

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Somerset Liberal Democrats’ Press Release, 26 September 2016: Tories sit by whilst County Council faces Bankruptcy. “The County Council’s finances are in a dire situation.” Today, 26th September, the Conservative Cabinet running Somerset County Council have been discussing the possibility of declaring the Authority bankrupt. In the Revenue Outturn report the County Finance Director has […]

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‘Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol’ days, When our councils funded buses but now we’re stressed out… We used to meet with friends, go out and have a laugh, We would jump on a bus and we’d ride it down to Bath, Used to dream of going places but now they’re […]

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Update: Urgent – As the recent Frome Standard and Frome Times front page stories explain, Bath & North East Somerset Council are reviewing their support for the 267 evening bus services, to try and reduce costs. This affects the 9.10pm and 11.10pm Bath to Frome buses and the 8pm and 10pm Frome to Bath buses […]

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March/April newsletter

by adamboyden on 4 April, 2016

Please see below my newsletter for Frome College ward, Frome and Mendip. I hope you find it useful. How can I help? Please get in touch if you have any issues you need help with. Leisure Centre reopening delayed: As a member of Mendip District Council’s Leisure Strategic Board, last week I had a tour […]

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Frome North byelection results

by adamboyden on 26 September, 2014

The results of the byelection for the Frome North division of Somerset County Council yesterday are as follows: – Linda Oliver, Conservative Party, 1111 votes (46.5%) – Damon Hooton, Liberal Democrat, 836 (35%) – Catherine Richardson, Labour Party, 163 (7%) – Adrian Dobinson, independent, 139 (6%) – Les Spalding, Green Party, 139 (6%) Conservative Linda Oliver […]

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You may have heard that cllr Sam Phripp has sadly resigned as the Somerset County Councillor for the Frome North area. Please see here for Sam’s statements on that. I wish Sam well. So we now need a new county councillor for Frome North, and the byelection has been arranged on Thursday 25th September. Frome […]

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