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Focus: Brunel Way open space

by adamboyden on 2 December, 2013

The open space along Brunel Way is owned and managed by Mendip District Council. Over a year ago, Frome Town Council published an Open Spaces Strategy which proposed the Town Council take over the area and involve local people in improving the area. Ideas put forward included tree planting, natural play areas, an adult fitness area, seating and a sports wall, but local people were to help decide what happened here. As I think little has happened since then, I would love to hear from you on what you want your councils to do: should this area remain as it is, or do you want it changed to make more use of it as a recreation space?

Please let me know what you think!

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Steve Jones says:

    Build more social housing please. People are starving in this town as well as homeless due to lack of social housing.

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