The dog poo fairy

by adamboyden on 17 December, 2013

No such thing...

No such thing…

There is no such thing as the Dog Poo Fairy!

I recently obtained some posters from a proactive local resident which say ‘There is no such thing as the dog poo fairy’ (from Keep Britain Tidy).

I recently gained agreement from Mendip District Council officers to put them up, so I will be laminating and putting these up on the old Showfield soon, with local residents’ support.

This is to take practical action to deter dog owners from leaving their dogs’ poo behind, as some people have been leaving their pet’s doings in bags hanging on the hedgerows as well as on the ground.  I have seen this in several places. This is one way of working with local residents and the Councils to encourage responsible dog walking on the old Showfield.

But I have also asked Mendip officers to ensure that the Councils contractors remove these bags when they maintain the area and clear litter form the surrounding streets, because no one likes to see these hanging around!

I have previously asked the Mendip dog warden to visit the old Showfield more often, which they have done.  Allowing your dog to foul a public space is an offence and can lead to a fine, which any council officer or PCSO can hand out. See the Keep Frome Clean campaign and Mendip website for more info: and


3 Responses

  1. […] No such thing as the Dog Poo Fairy: I have been working with local residents and council officers to stop people leaving dog poo waste behind, in the Showfield and other areas. See here for details: […]

  2. Tony Price says:

    It would be great if action could be taken in Walnut Walk where the green space is subjected to dog fouling on a daily basis; I have had contact with the Dog Warden, helped to put up signs but to no avail – it seems unless it is witnessed and one is prepared to go to Court the wardens are helpless. Not sure what else can be done but it is disgusting when one steps outside a gate into dog pooh!

    • adamboyden says:

      Thanks for drawing this to my attention, I will look into it (with the Town Council now also) and get back to you.

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