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Showfield update

by adamboyden on 15 May, 2014

Showfield improvements plan – updated 5th June

The proposed transfer of management of the old Showfield to Frome Town Council, which would see the area maintained more as a park, has run into a legal problem, and the plan to invest over £40,000 in improving the open space for local people to enjoy, has been delayed for quite a while.

Mendip District Council and Frome Town Council officers and councillors, including myself, with help from Vision for Frome, have been working to help realise local residents’ aspirations to improve the old Showfield. A transfer of leases to FTC had been agreed in principle which would enable FTC to take responsibility for a Section 106 fund for improvements, and enhancements to long-term maintenance, as the best way to fully realise the community’s aspirations as expressed in the FTC/V4F– led public consultation in Autumn 2012.

However, with the undetermined Town & Village Green application (submitted by FROGS to Somerset County Council in 2011) still pending consideration, which will still take several years to be beard, the Agricultural Society (although happy in principle) objected to the lease transfer unless MDC retained legal liabilities. Mendip’s Cabinet are unwilling to retain liability, and so will not transfer the leases to FTC.  MDC is therefore planning to work out a scheme of improvements itself. However MDC’s legal advice is that most of the priorities people identified (a fence around the playground, a mini-pitch, new paths and an outdoor fitness trail) cannot be carried out with the TVG application hanging over the site. MDC’s budget decisions also mean that cutting grass shorter in anything but a small area will also not happen. MDC may or may not consult local people on their eventual improvements plan, depending upon resources.

Because of this, I wrote a report for Frome Town Council to set out the issues and options ahead, for the Full Council meeting on 21st May. At the meeting my report was discussed with a covering report from the Town Clerk (see item 13 here). Council leader Mel Usher also proposed that FTC be proactive and commission an improvements plan that can be implemented with the TVG application in place. Town councillors agreed the following unanimously:

1. To note my report; 2 Confirm to MDC that FTC is still prepared to take on the lease (or a sub-lease) of the Showfield and express FTC’s disappointment that they unwilling to enable this. 3 Retain the action to explore freehold acquisition with the Agricultural Society and if it is possible, in principle, explore how much this might cost and where funding could be sourced; 4. Return to a future meeting of the Internal Affairs Cttee with updates; 5.  Request Somerset County Council’s Regulation Committee prioritise the determination of the TVG at the Showfield and/or provide additional resources, to hear the application soon; and 6. Instruct a landscape architect to prepare a plan of improvements that can be implemented with the TVG application in place, including improved security, improvements to existing footpaths, improvements to the playground… [wording to be confirmed].

I am now, once again, trying to arrange a meeting with all relevant parties to move things forward. The Frome Standard story on 5th June is here.


After a group of travellers set up camp in April, I moved quickly to ensure Mendip officers started the eviction straight away. The travellers were legally evicted 2 weeks later, and measures have been put in place to secure the site once again, but I hope to see more done to prevent this in future, as it caused residents considerable distress and left a large cleanup bill for the Council. Thanks to the people who contacted me about this.


2 Responses

  1. Pam Foley says:

    Dear Adam. Many thanks for update and your constant hard work. Regarding the Showfield, now that the Rodden Meadows is no longer AVAIABLE for dog walkers, we have noticed a co considerable increase of dog walkers over the Showfield. The amount of dog mess not being picked up has increased enormously, perhaps due to dog walkers not being required to clear up on the Rodden Meadows. Fellow walkers on the Showfield are trying hard to \ educate/u train\ miscreants but we definitely need a vigilant dog warden to hammer home the problem and to enforce the odd fine or two to make an impact. The path from the Showfield to Tesca Express , newly made up and tarmaced is a mine field of dog mess as well!!!!! CAN WE AFFORD THE TIME FOR MDC AND FTC AND FROGS TO SORT OUT THEIR LEGAL WRANGLE. MEANWHILE OUR HEALTH AND WELFARE ARE AT RISK FROM THIS FORMER LOVELY SPOT.

  2. […] The proposed improvements scheme has still not progressed, despite my efforts. Currently due to various legal issues, it still lies with Mendip officers to draw up a more limited scheme that in their view complies with the potential legal restrictions that a potential Village Green designation would impose on the site, although the Village Green hearing is still years away. I have asked for an update. MDC officers will not agree to discuss further or meet, as Mendip’s Cabinet members (not from Frome) will not allow them to spend any more time on it unless FROGS agree to withdraw their Village Green application to allow the transfer to FTC to go ahead. Still, I have been trying to promote discussions to move things forward anyway, and I understand some of the other parties have been talking despite this. My full report to Frome Town Council, about why it’s taking so long, and what should we do now, and what FTC agreed to do, which was more optimistic, is here: […]

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