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Mendip agree to surrender leases on old Showfield

by adamboyden on 8 December, 2014

Last week, Mendip District Council agreed to surrender its leases for the old Showfield, so that Frome Town Council can purchase, maintain and enhance the site as a community asset and give local residents more direct control over the popular open space. This was decided at MDC’s Corporate Asset Management Group last week. This is good news and the outcome I asked members of CAMG and MDC’s assets officers to agree on, as the licence surrender should be quicker than a formal transfer of leases (which may take over a year).  It means that the purchase of the Showfield by FTC is progressing well, and should not be needlessly held up by bureaucracy. See here for the official statement.

Please see here for all my previous news about the old Showfield.

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One Response

  1. […] December 2014, Mendip District Council agreed (at Corporate Asset Management Group) to surrender its leases for the old Showfield, so that Frome Town Council can purchase, maintain […]

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