Selwood Academy propose new 3G pitch

by adamboyden on 16 January, 2015

Selwood Academy propose new 3G pitch

Selwood Academy, on Berkley Road, has recently submitted a planning application for the ‘Construction of 3G Artificial Turf Pitch with associated flood lighting ( 8 x 15m columns) and tutor room/changing room, 4m fence around goal areas, 3m fence around all other sides.’ (planning application 2014/0521/FUL).

Please see here for the planning application documents, which includes the application form, site location and layout plans, a Design & Access Statement, Flood Light plan and layout, Weld mesh fence design, and Changing Rooms design.

The Design & Access Statement (DAS) states that the pitch is for football, hockey and tennis (focusing on football) and will be floodlit in order to extend the hours of use. It has been identified as necessary by Somerset County Council to meet sporting needs, and will be used by the school’s pupils as part of the sports curriculum during the school day. It will also be a new facility for community use by sports clubs and teams during weekday evenings and weekends. This should substantially improve sports facilities for football and hockey in Frome.

The proposed hours of use are from 8/9/10am up to 10.00pm. The pitch is proposed on the western side of the school fields (not eastern boundary as the DAS states), adjacent to the main car park and near the hall and changing facilities, with the old Showfield (Collegians pitch) to the west and ‘back fields’ to the north. The Flood Lighting details show that no light spill is predicted on nearby residential properties or much beyond the pitch itself.

To comment you can log in to the above website and post a comment, or write in here quoting planning application number 2014/0521/FUL.  I am asking residents to please also send me their comments, so I can raise any issues with Selwood Academy direct and make a formal response to Mendip planning officers, as appropriate.

Update 10 February 2015:

I have consulted residents I know in the area, and they have not raised any concerns. However the Environment Agency is concerned that flood risks need to be fully assessed, and Mendip’s Environmental Protection officer is concerned about potential noise and light spill on to residential properties.I await the Council’s and Selwood’s response and decisions.

Update November 2015:

Selwood Academy have received planning permission for their proposed 3G artificial pitch for football, hockey and tennis, and are seeking funding opportunities. See here for the decision notice and officer’s report.

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