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Candidates for Frome College ward: Adam Boyden and Alex Shingler

by adamboyden on 13 April, 2015

IMG_2073Adam Boyden:

I have loved living in Frome for 12 years. I am married with three children and work to assess the environmental impacts of new developments.  I love Frome’s sense of community and positive attitude. As a local councillor since 2011 I have listened and responded to residents’ concerns, got stuck into local problems, taken positive ideas forward, and encouraged our councils to work better together. For me, my ‘best bits’ are:

– helping break the impasse over the Showfield, with the Town Council soon to take over, to unlock the improvements residents have wanted for years;

– seeing the Leisure Centre safely secured by Mendip with new management and £2million of improvements promised soon;

– helping steer the monthly market early on, and seeing it such a success;

– getting unanimous cross-party agreement to protect Mendip’s environment and Bath’s hot springs against ‘fracking’;

– successfully arguing for the tip to reopen every day;

– helping residents respond to major developments at Packsaddle, Stonebridge, Fromefield and Bath Road, promoting better development and opposing bad planning;

– trying to keep the area in a good condition by fighting flytipping, litter, and graffiti;

– supporting community groups in the ward and town; and

– keeping so many residents regularly informed.

If re-elected I want to help steer the Leisure Centre and Showfield improvements through, improve and protect and improve local sports facilities, play areas and green spaces, get more effective action against flytipping, litter and flygrazing, make Mendip and Frome Town Council work together better, and win ‘devolution for Frome’. Overall I want to help Frome’s community succeed in every way.

Alex Shingler:

Having been born, raised and educated in Frome, I certainly know a lot about the town. My passion for the community I live in comes from the heart.

I don’t care about political point scoring; I am here to serve you. Since May 2013 I have been Deputy Youth Mayor of Frome, something which I am always immensely proud to say. I have attended almost every single town council meeting in that time, proving I am committed to what I believe in: everyone having a voice.

A vote for me on the 7th May is one you won’t regret.

Three reasons to vote for Adam and Alex:

1. Adam and Alex will always put listening to you and ‘getting things done’ before party politics.

2. Adam and Alexs have good track records, Adam as a hardworking councillor for this area since 2011, and Alex as Deputy Mayor for Young People for the past 2 years.

3. Adam and Alex will work hard for you all year round, not just at election time.

Contact us:

Adam: email, phone 07809 284817

Alex: email, phone 07823 449505


2 Responses

  1. […] For Mendip District Council, in Frome College ward you get two votes as two candidates will be elected. The Lib Dem candidates are me Adam Boyden, and Alex Shingler. Our profiles are here:… […]

  2. […] This is another of my frequent updates to local residents, which I email out about once a month. To sign up please email me at! I would like to continue being your local councillor, if you’ll have me. Hopefully you know I will always try and get back to you asap and try and sort things out. Please see here for more on my record of action and why I am standing again here. A profile of me and Alex Shingler, who has been Deputy Mayor of Frome for Young People for 2 years, is here. […]

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