Plans move forward for Old Showfield and Victoria Park

by adamboyden on 4 March, 2016

Following the Parks meeting which took place at the end of January Frome Town Council has now prepared summaries for the next steps for the improvement scheme for the Old Showfield as well as Victoria Park and Mary Baily playing field. Over 100 people attended the meeting on 30 January, and lots of other comments before and after the meeting. Thanks to everyone who contributed.

The first draft plan for the Old Showfield, current drafts of plans for Victoria Park and Mary Bailey, and summaries of the outcome and work proposed, can be found here.

For the Old Showfield, the summary includes path improvements as a priority (with a hard surface path all along around the site); more benches, bins and tree planting; the siting of the outdoor gym; a ‘low key’ fence and new hedge (instead of traditional play fencing) around the children’s playground; an orchard and picnic area; wildflower meadow areas and margins. Drainage and bench sponsorship are also being looked into.

The plans are being updated and costed for debate and approval at FTC’s Council meeting on 23rd March (7pm, venue tbc). Things should start happen on site soon after, at long last.

Please contact FTC’s Environment Manager Chris Stringer on 01373 465757 or email, or contact me, if you have any queries.

Please see here for previous news on the improvements to the Old Showfield.

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