October newsletter

by adamboyden on 15 October, 2022

I’m still working on writing up a full newsletter this month, but there are a few things to report back on, in brief – 

D2 Bath-Frome bus saved for now

The D2 bus between Frome and Bath, including its evening weekday and Sunday services which were threatened, has been saved by Somerset County Council’s intervention – for now – but work is needed to increase bus passenger levels to secure the weekday evening service when Government funding ends again in April. The new timetable also includes many more buses stopping in Rode. The saved evening services are not yet shown on the timetables posted at bus stops (SCC is asking First Buses to rectify this) but please be assured that they are running. Please see here for details and the up to date timetables (and a useful map of bus routes in Frome) – https://adamboyden.mycouncillor.org.uk/2022/10/08/d2-bus-saved-for-now/

Consultation on Local Community Networks ends soon

The Somerset County Council consultation on Local Community Networks (LCNs) runs until 17th October. The new unitary Somerset Council will cover a large geographical area and so needs local committees of the council where voices can be heard, partners brought together, and decisions taken with the benefit of local knowledge and experience. It is hoped that this will enable the unitary Somerset Council, parish and town councils, partners and communities to work together to address local issues and priorities, and improve outcomes for residents. As Committees of the unitary Council, LCNs will be supported by dedicated officers and managers, with formal decision-making powers and influence. It is proposed that LCNs will meet six to eight times a year, with locally led groups pursuing their goals between meetings. The consultation asks for local involvement in guiding the decisions on the following key aspects: name, form and function, including geographical areas. The proposed Frome LCN includes options for including either 18 or 34 parishes. So please have a look and have your say – see https://adamboyden.mycouncillor.org.uk/2022/09/07/consultation-on-lcns/ 

Packsaddle fields update

In September I attended the second half of the meeting in the Rugby Club organised by the new People for Packsaddle local group, which about 100 local residents attended (including many of you reading this!), to answer some questions. Fundamental objections were raised to the principle of developing the site and the effect of any large housing development on local residents’ use and enjoyment of the fields, and strong concerns were raised about the clearance of the fields in August, what effect this had on the ecological surveys being undertaken by LiveWest, and that access to the site. LiveWest have also informed me that an initial draft layout for a development of the site has been delayed further and is unlikely to be available for comment until early next year, rather than this autumn. I am also now asking what might be appropriate and necessary in terms of ecological habitat creation, to compensate for any ecological damage done as a result of the clearance. Please see https://adamboyden.mycouncillor.org.uk/2022/07/16/packsaddle-fields-update-2/ for more on this. 

20 is plenty for Fromefield? 

Several residents in Fromefield have been asking for lower speed limits there, after suffering damage to vehicles, noise and vibration, and witnessing accidents caused by speeding. A survey in 2021 found that 70% of people who responded supported a 20 mph speed limit here. As promised I am now pursuing a 20 mph speed limit for Fromefield, and have recently met with a concerned local resident and the Community Speed Watch organiser for Frome, who is supportive. I will be discussing this further with other councillors, Frome Town Council and Somerset Highways team, to agree what needs to be done by whom. Please get in touch to find out more or to support us on this. 

Energy saving website

Mendip District Council has launched a new website to help residents save household energy, reduce their energy bills and learn what financial assistance is available – please see www.somersetenergysaver.co.uk. Five top tips to save energy and money can be found here https://www.mendip.gov.uk/article/11228/Council-shares-top-five-tips-to-tackle-rising-bills-this-winter

Somerset trees consultation

Somerset’s County and District Councils have launched a public consultation on trees to inform a tree strategy, which runs until October 21st – please see Somerset Councils seek your views on trees – Mendip District Council

Mendip consults on cycle parking

Mendip District Council is asking residents about proposed locations for new bike racks, so until 4 November 2022 you can have your say here: https://www.mendip.gov.uk/article/11203/Have-your-say-on-bike-rack-locations-in-Mendip

Recycle More impact

Two years after its launch, the massive impact of Recycle More on waste and recycling in the county is becoming clear – please see https://www.somersetwaste.gov.uk/recycle-more-making-a-massive-impact/

Somerset County Council has a new Chief Executive, Duncan Sharkey

Please see https://somersetnewsroom.com/2022/10/03/somerset-councils-welcome-new-chief-executive-officer/.

Good OFSTED ratings for Somerset County Council

Somerset County Council’s Childrens and Young People’s services has been rated as Good by Ofsted inspectors who visited in July, looking in detail at the work of the Council with those in care, care leavers and children and families with a social worker. This is a big improvement since the inspections under the previous administration (see https://somersetnewsroom.com/2022/09/21/somerset-children-and-young-peoples-services-celebrates-good-ofsted-rating-rightly-proud-of-the-significant-progress-it-has-made/). This was followed by a Good rating for the Public Health and Nursing Team which provides community care, delivered by health visitors and school nurses across Somerset (their first inspection since its transfer from the NHS to Somerset County Council’s Public Health in 2019, see https://somersetnewsroom.com/2022/09/27/somersets-public-health-nursing-team-celebrate-good-inspection-from-cqc/).

Please get in touch if you have any concerns or questions. I hope you find this useful.  

Best wishes,


Adam Boyden

Mendip District Councillor (with Drew Gardner) for Frome College ward, and

Somerset County Councillor for Frome North 

Adam – 07809284817, email aomboyden@gmail.com /  cllr.boyden@mendip.gov.ukadam.boyden@somerset.gov.uk


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