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Packsaddle Fields – online consultation on site development proposals

by adamboyden on 20 March, 2023

LiveWest have launched their much anticipated pre-application consultation on draft proposals for the development of the Packsaddle Fields site on Monday 20th March.

LiveWest say they are looking to bring forward a planning application in the near future for 74 new homes, a residential facility for children with disabilities (to be managed by Somerset County Council), some retained areas of open space and a community orchard. They are now ready to engage with the local community and other stakeholders about their plans, through an online consultation for two weeks, from 20th March until 3rd April. You can access the consultation here:

The website includes a description of what is being proposed, including a masterplan showing the proposed development layout (see below), and some discussion of the issues of highways, travel and access, character and design, ecology/ biodiversity and environmental impacts (including the impacts of site clearance last year), as well as a timeline of what could happen next, and a chance to give your views. Please take some time to read all the information available.

LiveWest say they will be leafleting the area to advertise the consultation. The flyer is below, and updates will be on my website.

As I said in my last newsletter, the Packsaddle Fields site has recently been designated as an Asset of Community Value* and identified as a green space** in Mendip District Council’s Greenspace Audit, due to its use by and value to the local community for informal recreation.

I am hoping to discuss the proposals with (and ask questions of) LiveWest and Somerset County Council. I have also been invited to speak at the meeting of the residents group People for Packsaddle on Thursday 23rd March at Frome Rugby Club at 8pm – see here.

Please do let me know what you think, and if you have any questions. I also hope to carry out a residents survey of the area in the next few weeks.

LiveWest flyer
Packsaddle masterplan v2 (Source: Livewest via

[*Please note that the current SCC/LiveWest option agreement in March 2022 preceded the ACV designation so the moratorium requirements do not apply to this deal, but would do to any future sale. ACV status can however be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

**The site is an identified ‘undesignated site’ in the Greenspace Audit (see its inclusion in item 8b here) so could be interpreted as a green space under Mendip Local Plan (Part 1) Policy DP1 (Local Identity and Distinctiveness). However this does not confer the same protection as green spaces designated under policies DP2 (Open Areas of Local Significance) or DP16 (Protection of Formal and Informal Recreation Areas), and the Greenspace Audit could not designate specific open spaces under those policies. However, the Audit does provide information to assist in the interpretation of Local Plan policy]. 

Best wishes,


Adam Boyden

Mendip District Councillor (with Drew Gardner) for Frome College ward, and Somerset County Councillor for Frome North 

Mobile 07809284817, email 

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