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Rode solar farm decision deferred, and plans revised

by adamboyden on 1 June, 2024

The planning application for the construction & operation of a solar photovoltaic farm with battery storage & associated infrastructure, including inverters, security cameras, fencing, access tracks & landscaping to the east of Rode (2023/2183/FUL) was deferred at Somerset Council’s Planning Committee (East) on 7th May, for a period of 3 months, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.

This was for the reconsideration of access on Monkley Lane, and for reconsideration of the scale of the development in terms of the quantum of the application scheme and its impact on the landscape and heritage assets, in particular the conservation area and listed buildings. A site visit for Planning Committee Members will be arranged. (see the application documents and responses here 2023/2183/FUL) and the planning committee report and decision here Agenda for Planning Committee – East on Tuesday, 7th May, 2024, 2.00 pm – Modern Council (

I proposed the deferral at committee due to the concerns raised by local residents, Rode Parish Council and Somerset Council’s Conservation Officer about the proposed access along Monkley Lane from the A361, and the impact on the landscape and heritage. I am quoted in a media report as saying “This one conflicts me. We want to address climate change and increase the generation of renewable energy – but this also has local impacts. Ideally I would like to see this go away and come back better, in a form to which the parish council and the residents of Monkley Lane would not object. This feels too big.” – see Decision on Rode solar farm delayed over access concerns | Somerset County Gazette.

After the meeting I reached out to the applicants Low Carbon, Rode Parish Council, the case officer and objectors from Monkley Lane. Then on 3rd June the applicants submitted revised plans and an accompanying letter and Access Strategy report. In response to objections from residents of Monkley Lane, that this access would not be appropriate for construction vehicles due to its narrow nature and poor visibility onto the A361, Low Carbon proposes a new track be created to access the development areas south of Monkley Lane directly from Access 2 (Rode Common, and Rode Farm access) during construction. In response to concerns about the scale of development and impact on heritage assets, the site plan has been revised to remove solar panels in the fields surrounding Flexham Farm, provide additional planting along the northern boundary and reduce the size of the inverter stations. Some of the consultees have already responded (see 2023/2183/FUL). The application will come back to Planning Committee in the next few months.

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