Somerset Councillor for Frome North (Lib Dem) Learn more
by adamboyden on 20 May, 2018
There is alot planned for the Old Showfield this year. The final repairs to the lower part of the childrens playground at the Old Showfield are at last taking place. The repaired upper playground looks very good.
Frome Town Council are encouraging people to use the Outdoor Gym at the Old Showfield, and are running introduction sessions on Mondays at 9.30am to help ensure everyone feels confident using the equipment. The drop in sessions are for people aged 18 or over and begin on Monday 4thJune for eight weeks. These are followed by the free ‘Couch to 5k’ course at Frome Medical Practice at 10.30am. Please see here for more.
Grass cutting has recently taken place. A question being asked by one local resident is, the Town Council’s management plan allows grass to grow long in some places, including the two back fields, but would you prefer it cut shorter so these fields are more usable?
Frome Town Council also plan further resurfacing of the remaining rough path surfaces. A Frome ‘Parkrun’ is also at the early stages of being organised, which would see hundreds of people running a 5k route around the Old Showfield every Saturday morning.
The Town Council’s People’s Budget vote took place in April and May – the results are in and the people of Frome voted overwhelmingly (81%) for a Community Orchard to be planted at the Old Showfield – please see here for details. The trees will be local varieties of fruit trees, will involve some landscaping, and should be planted this autumn or early next spring. The Town Council have committed to agreeing the exact location with local people, so please look out for news on that.
The Town Council will be moving large sections of a fallen Copper Beech tree from the Saxonvale area to the play area at the Old Showfield in early June. Sections of the tree will be cut and shaped into playable features.
There is also finally a Frome Fireworks display to look forward to, as voted for by people at the Town Council’s People’s Budget Events day in March (see here). I understand that Frome Town Rotary will be organising it at the Old Showfield, in November obviously.
All this is happening since Frome Town Council took over the ownership and management of the Old Showfield a few years ago which I was pleased to help make happen (see here)
1 Comment
Please include me in your numbers for cutting grass shorter whilst saving areas for the environment. Thanks