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Archive for the ‘Fromefield’ Category

Showfield update

by adamboyden on 17 July, 2015

My letter to the Frome Standard this week read: ‘I have thanked Lyn Zalac for her letter last week about my role as a local councillor in getting the old Showfield into Frome Town Council hands, so that it can be improved and managed for the local community. But I must give credit to Vision […]

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It is nearly there – the deal that will see the old Showfield in the hands of the local community, with Frome Town Council taking over control and management of this important open space soon. Frome Town Council are anticipating taking control shortly, and are now asking for local residents’ views on what should be […]

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Newsletter 25th June 2015 Please see below for news about: news about the development at Stonebridge (Forest Road shops) Fusion’s take over of Frome Leisure Centre Tim Farron Bus cuts Old Showfield Welshmill Park Missing Link fundraising Stonebridge development update: Planning permission was granted by Mendip District Council in January for the expansion of the […]

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Improving planning and development

by adamboyden on 22 April, 2015

Over the last four years there have been several major planning applications which I have got stuck into to help local residents get better development in this area. These include: Stonebridge shops and flats: Permission was granted by Mendip in January for the expansion of the shops at Forest Road, and for 3 new flats […]

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Conserving and improving the old Showfield

by adamboyden on 22 April, 2015

The old Showfield is the most important open space in this part of Frome, for dog walkers, joggers, children, and people walking to and from town. Over the last few years I have been working to raise residents’ issues with Mendip District Council, who lease the area, about improving management, security against encampments, tackling flygrazing, […]

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Showfield deal progressing well

by adamboyden on 13 February, 2015

Last week Mendip District Council’s Corporate Asset Management Group (CAMG) approved the Council’s proposed surrender of leases at the old Showfield. This was advertised in local newspapers for the legally required period, following CAMG’s decision in December to surrender the leases. This was agreed as the quickest more painless way to allow Frome Town Council to purchase and […]

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Mendip agree to surrender leases on old Showfield

by adamboyden on 8 December, 2014

Last week, Mendip District Council agreed to surrender its leases for the old Showfield, so that Frome Town Council can purchase, maintain and enhance the site as a community asset and give local residents more direct control over the popular open space. This was decided at MDC’s Corporate Asset Management Group last week. This is […]

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Frome Town Council agrees to buy old Showfield

by adamboyden on 6 November, 2014

I am pleased to be able to say that at last week’s Frome Town Council meeting, councillors agreed unanimously to purchase the main part of the old Showfield (the open area, the childrens playground and the Collegians football pitch, excluding the cricket pitch, car park and pavilion) and to take a long-term lease on the […]

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Frome Town Council propose to buy old Showfield

by adamboyden on 31 October, 2014

Letter to residents, 4th November 2014: Dear all, Thanks for contacting me and informing me over the years about issues and your concerns about the old Showfield. Since 2011 I have raised these issues, including a lack of management, security against travellers, flooding, dogs in the playground and the need for a fence, and the […]

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Mendip District Council has granted planning permission for the revised plans for a Co-op convenience store at Fromefield, which will demolish the former surgery building on the corner with Rodden Road/Bath Road, after the planning officer recommended approval and the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Board waived it through, despite local objections. I […]

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I am keeping an eye on local planning matters in the area. Co-op at Fromefield: Revised plans for the proposed Co-op convenience store (ref 2013/1514) have been submitted which the developer hopes will overcome local objections on design and road safety. Please see here for the revised plans, which were consulted on up to mid-May. […]

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Showfield update 5th June

by adamboyden on 6 June, 2014

The proposed transfer of management of the old Showfield to Frome Town Council, which would see the area maintained more as a park, has run into a legal problem, and the plan to invest over £40,000 in improving the open space for local people to enjoy, has been delayed for quite a while. Mendip District […]

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I am keeping an eye on local planning matters in the area. Mendip’s Local Plan has been examined by an inspector, who will report back soon on whether it is accepted. Co-op at Fromefield: Revised plans for the proposed Co-op convenience store (ref 2013/1514) have been submitted which the developer hopes will overcome local objections […]

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Fromefield Co-op plans resubmitted

by adamboyden on 30 January, 2014

In summer 2013, Radstock Co-operative Society submitted a planning application to demolish the former Fromefield Surgery, and to build a new convenience supermarket. The planning application was withdrawn for several months, as more information was requested by Mendip’s planners, and the developer reviewed the design. I met with the agent and asked them to consult locally on […]

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What have I been doing?

by adamboyden on 17 December, 2013

I have been working on a few things recently, in response to local residents concerns, which you have told me about on the doorstep, on the phone and by email: Flytipping on Gypsy Lane – Public Meeting to be held: Yesterday Mendip District Council’s Enforcement officers agreed to my suggestion to hold a public meeting […]

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Focus; A new Co-op for Fromefield?

by adamboyden on 2 December, 2013

Earlier this year Radstock Co-operative Society submitted a planning application to demolish the former Fromefield Surgery, and to build a new convenience supermarket. The planning application is still not yet valid, as more information was requested by Mendip’s planners, and the developer is reviewing the design. I have asked the agent to consult locally on the new […]

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Showfield improvements update

by adamboyden on 10 October, 2013

Update 15th October: Mendip’s Cabinet have approved the transfer of leases to Frome Town Council, subject to the Council entering into negotiations with Frome Town Council about whether the proposed fence to the children’s play area should be included in the Section 106 improvements fund. See the following joint press release here: See also the […]

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Co-operative store planned at Fromefield

by adamboyden on 31 July, 2013

Radstock Co-operative Society has submitted a planning application to demolish the former Fromefield Surgery building, at the junction of Bath Road and Rodden Road, and to build a new convenience supermarket on the site. See the article in the Frome Standard here – As one of the ward councillors for the Fromefield area on Mendip District Council, […]

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