Letter to Somerset Standard, 6th January 2012: Lib Dems managed town finances well, and I welcome new strategy to invest in Frome

by adamboyden on 6 January, 2012

Dear Editor,

I have not been closely involved in town council financial matters but need to point out that it is not at all fair to complain, as Richard Porteous does, of ‘financial mismanagement’ by the previous (Lib Dem) Frome Town Council, as there has not been any. The 2010-11 Town Council Annual Report states that at March 2011 the council’s £435,000 in reserves was well above the minimum required of £180,000, and within the recommended range. It appears that the Council Tax was not raised by the 2007-11 Lib Dem administration because it did not need to be, as the council had more than enough savings to cover the important investments being made in our town. And perhaps it still does. But I do agree that we still need to invest further in our town’s social and physical infrastructure, and I welcome much of the Independents for Frome group’s new Town Strategy. This builds on the previous council’s good work, and aims to support and expand Frome’s businesses, help voluntary groups, enhance our town centre and open spaces, make Frome more sustainable for the future, and invest in our important community facilities including, yes, the Cheese and Grain, and hopefully the Merlin Theatre too. Part of this will hopefully make up for some of the cuts to public services, recycling, our arts and creative industries (one of Frome’s USPs, surely?) and our community’s support networks such as the youth centre, that the Conservatives in charge of the county and district councils are making.

Adam Boyden

Lib Dem Mendip District Councillor, Frome College ward
Shadow Spokesperson for Governance, Assets and Public Spaces

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