267 Bus service under threat

by adamboyden on 5 February, 2013

The 267 evening bus service to and from Bath is under threat.

Following the cuts to the subsidy for the 267 evening services between Frome and Bath by Conservatives at Somerset County Council in 2011, Bath & North East Somerset Council (run by Lib Dems) agreed to continue with their subsidy as one of several ‘unprofitable but socially necessary’ services.  But in November 2012, B&NES announced that they would be reconsidering subsidy outside of their local government area – see http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/services/parking-and-travel/public-transport/buses/consultation-bus-revenue-support.

I and cllr Sam Phripp, and Somerset Lib Dem county councillor Maggy Daniell, have been in touch with B&NES Council to urge B&NES not to withdraw the subsidy.  B&NES’ Senior Public Transport Officer stated in reply, “I cannot help but point out that if this service is essential for residents of Frome and other Somerset villages then it should be appropriate for Somerset County Council, or Mendip District Council, to re-instate at least some of the financial support that was withdrawn in April 2011.” 

He has a point.  Some 90% of the people using the service were going either to or from Somerset on the day surveyed, so it is most used and vital for residents of Somerset rather than B&NES, and it should not be left to B&NES to subsidise a service that Somerset residents most use. (Although I have also pointed out, does allow Somerset residents to work and spend money in Bath).  B&NES’ subsidy for the service in 2012/13 was estimated to be £16,490.  Somerset County Council’s subsidy in 2010/11 was just £11,423. A decision will be made by B&NES’ Cabinet on 13th February. A link to the papers will be posted here when it becomes available shortly.

If B&NES do cut the subsidy and the 267 evening bus services are likely to cease as a result, I and other councillors will campaign for Somerset County Council to reinstate some funding support to keep the service going.   It is clear to me that this service can be a lifeline for people in Frome and the villages of Beckington, Rode, Woolverton and Norton St Philip. Whether using the bus to get to and from work, or using it to go out for the evening – this is one of the best used services in the area.  Cllr Sam Phripp also said “This isn’t about politics or politicians, this is about people being able to access a vital service. With many finding it difficult to find work, cutting public transport is the last thing that should be happening.”

See also Somerset County Councillor Maggy Daniell’s article on the issue here – http://maggydaniell.mycouncillor.org.uk/2012/12/16/bus-service-under-threat/ 

In December, Frome Town Council also agreed to talk to B&NES urging them not to withdraw the subsidy and to ask the county council to persuade them to review their subsidy, after Independents for Frome town councillor Tricia Golisnski highlighted the issue there: see http://www.thisissomerset.co.uk/Fight-save-bus-funding/story-17639298-detail/story.html

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