Frome Litter Pickers

by adamboyden on 25 April, 2013

Thanks to everyone who came along to the Litter Pick at Stonebridge (and in other areas of town) on Saturday 9th March, organised by Dorothy-Anne Bryant of HopeFrome and Friends of the River Frome.  Frome’s Big Litter Pick is organised twice a year, in the spring and autumn by HopeFrome and Friends of the River Frome to remove the mess others leave behind in the river, streams and hedges, and involve local residents in improving the environment.  FORF’s report of the day and on the next River Friends meeting is below:

“53 volunteers and as many sacks of rubbish.

A group of twenty-two volunteers including the Mendip Councillor Adam Boyden shifted about 25 bags of rubbish from the surroundings of the stream through the Stonebridge estate on Saturday 9 March. Because Mendip had removed vegetation from the stream they were able to give it a really good clean. They also covered Fromefield and shifted 5 bags of rubbish. There is now a good core of volunteers there who obviously want to make a difference in their community. The Missing Link volunteers and others cleared a huge amount from north of Welshmill including a bicycle in the river. Other groups worked at the Mount, at the Wallbridge end of town and along the river in the centre. Alan Carpenter went out in his canoe to get the bits others could not reach. Some of us met back at the Canoe Club for a well-earned cup of tea at noon and one lady was heard to remark that she hadn’t had as much fun for a long time. This big event was originated by Hope Frome in 2008 and combined with the on-going River Friends picks in 2009. River Friends are meeting at the Cheese and Grain 10:30 11th May to do another clean-up and to launch a summer of tackling that destructive invader, Himalayan Balsam.”

Get involved!  See for more info on joining the River Friends and about future events.

See for the announcement and further links.

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