Local ward news update: flytipping, College residents meeting, litter, Showfield, Fromefield Co-op, Bath Road Heights, Stonebridge Drive humps, pigeons, horses and bins

by adamboyden on 14 March, 2014

Public meeting on flytipping: I am working with another local councillor to arrange a public meeting in the near future, to allow local residents to ask questions, raise concerns and hear from Mendip District Council, the Police and other authorities, about how the community and authorities can work together to tackle the horrendous flytipping on Gypsy Lane and nearby. I sincerely hope this will help start to tackle this serious problem.

Frome Community College residents meeting: The next Residents’ Group Meeting at Frome Community College is on Wednesday 26 March, starting at the earlier time of 2.30pm to allow for a tour of the campus.  If you would like to attend please inform Sue Gattiker, Principal’s PA, Frome Community College, tel: 01373 469017.

Frome Community College is ‘Good’: I recently congratulated Gavin Ball, the Principal of Frome Community College on the ‘good’ rating given to the College by OFSTED after its latest inspection. The improvements (from ‘satisfactory’) are a testament to the hard work and skills of him, College staff and pupils, and long may these improvements continue.

Litter: I have had a few complaints about litter building up in the ward recently, along Gypsy Lane (near Bath Road), and Swallow Drive, and have passed them to Mendip’s Operational Assets department. Please let me know any problem areas and I can inform Mendip officers and ask them to investigate.

Showfield news: The proposed transfer of leases from Mendip District Council to Frome Town Council for the old Showfield has run into a legal problem, and this is delaying over £40,000 of improvements. I am working to resolve the issues by having discussions with both Councils, the landowners and FROGS to overcome these problems and allow a plan to be agreed as to how the improvements can be implemented in consultation with local residents. Please see here for previous news.

Fromefield Co-op: Planning application 2013/1514, which would demolish the old Fromefield surgery and build a new Co-op store on the corner of Fromefield/Rodden Road/Bath Road junction, is now under consideration by the planning case officer, after consultation ended in February. I have had discussions with the planning officer, the agents and local residents who have objections and concerns, including on road safety issues (asking for a Road Safety Audit to be required), and the design and appearance of the proposed shop (asking for photomontages to show it), to resolve the issues so the plans can be determined properly. Please see here for previous news.

Bath Road Heights: Latona Leisure, the developer of housing at the Bath Road Heights site, formerly the Mendip Lodge Hotel site, have withdrawn their phase 2 planning application (2013/1889) but are expected to come back with revised plans soon.  I have been asking for a new pedestrian crossing to be required across Bath Road, and there are other obligations (affordable housing, contributions for tourism, etc.) which were included in a S106 for the first outline permission for residential development, which was never triggered. I have also asked Latona to clear litter and waste from the site, which they have agreed to do. Please see here for previous news.

Stonebridge Drive traffic calming: I am still working with local residents and county councillor Sam Phripp on the options for improving the traffic calming speed humps along Stonebridge Drive, and the possibility of putting in a 20 mph zone/limit here, as it can be frightening and dangerous for pedestrians and other drivers when people drive though the humps at speed.

Pigeon-proofing of Rodden Road railway bridge: Earlier in March, Network Rail carried out the work to clear pigeon out of and install mesh across the whole underside of the bridge, the aim being to prevent the ongoing nuisance to pedestrians from dozens of pigeons continuing.  This was after over a year of discussion with (nagging) Network Rail, MDC Environmental Health, cllrs Phripp, Horsfall and myself (I live closeby), NR’s contractors, a survey and legal advice. However, even though the mesh was installed, pigeons are still getting in and roosting there, so the problem remains.  Network Rail have agreed to investigate what needs doing to rectify this.

Wild horses:  Somerset County Council closed the public rights of way footpaths through fields between Leys Lane and Cuckoo Lane, in the north of Frome, for several weeks in February, due to the presence of about 14 travellers’ horses in the fields, which were considered dangerous to walkers.  I got in touch with the SCC Rights of Way officer, who wrote to the landowners to ask them to make the situation safe or have the horses (not owned by them!) moved, as well as MDC Enforcement and Frome Town Council. The paths were reopened by SCC recently as the horses are no longer deemed to be dangerous to walkers.

Bin gone:  After regular complaints from a local resident about the inadequate disposal of rubbish (in a skip and/or blue bin), which led to rubbish blowing (or being thrown) around) along the entrance to the Leisure Centre, I asked the Leisure Centre’s manager to find an alternative location to store waste. She gained agreement from the College to use a building round the back to store the Centre’s waste, so this year there have been no more waste –related complaints.

Wellow Drive trees: recently a local residents complained that the wild cherry plum trees bordering one side of the wildlife area at the top of Wellow Drive had been severely ‘pollarded’, but Mendip (who own most of the land there) knew nothing about it. I understand that residents neighbouring the area have been asked by Mendip to monitor the area and inform them if any further works take place. I am happy to pass on any information to Mendip officers about this if anyone knows anything about it.



2 Responses

  1. Pam Foley says:

    Thanks Adam for hard work.
    With ref. to the Showfield, dog waste bins are frequently full to overflowing.
    Has the regular emptying routine changed with the “gap” between MDC and FTC transfer being unresolved. Also, repairs are needed to one bin by the Sellwood Academy rear gate. (Fixmystreet) informed.

  2. […] I have again asked Network Rail to meet with me and other local councillors and Mendip’s Environmental Health Officer, to agree what should be done about the ongoing problem of pigeons roosting under the railway bridge at Rodden Road (where I live). Network Rail were intending to remove the badly/partly installed netting their contractors put over part of the road (which allowed pigeons to get in and become trapped) and possibly replace it with spikes, rather than replace the netting to do the job properly. MDC are threatening legal action, as the number of pigeons nesting, and what they leave behind, is a public health nuisance, and I await to see how Network Rail respond. Please see here for previous update: http://adamboyden.mycouncillor.org.uk/2014/03/14/local-news-update/ […]

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