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Cllr Dobinson please make the flooding report on Wallbridge public

by adamboyden on 9 February, 2015

I sent the letter below to the Frome Times today:
In response to Councillor Dobinson’s letter in the last issue of Frome Times, about the report he commissioned from Friends of the River Frome (using his ward allocation of Mendip District Council’s Community Environment Fund) into the feasibility of reducing flood risks at Wallbridge, I did as he said in his letter and asked him for a copy. However, cllr Dobinson has refused to send me the report, told me to ask MDC officers instead, and complained I was going to use it against him as part of some fantastic conspiracy!
I am very disappointed that cllr Dobinson still thinks and writes this nonsense, and still writes poison pen letters, which are inaccurate and unfair, aimed at other local elected councillors. I was, and still am, genuinely interested in finding out what a nationally recognised expert in hydrology considers needs doing to alleviate flooding in the Wallbridge area, near where I live, as it has been subject to much controversy over the years. So please councillor Dobinson, don’t be so distrustful and negative, do not give in to the power of the dark side, make the report publicly available (as you said you would), and use your role as a councillor to work with others for the community.
Adam Boyden
Frome Town and Mendip District Councillor, Frome College ward (Lib Dem) 
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