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Update to Frome Town Council

by adamboyden on 25 November, 2015

This evening I gave the following update to the full Frome Town Council meeting, by email as I could not attend in person:
  1. I and Councillor Claire Hudson have submitted a motion to Mendip District Council to ask that Mendip publicly congratulates Frome Town Council and the people of Frome on Frome’s 2 national awards, ‘Star Council’ and ‘Best Town’, at its next full council meeting on 14th December. Can anyone from FTC attend? You may have to bring your own biscuits, I’m afraid.
  2. Fusion have started work on the improvements to Frome Leisure Centre, but have just announced that ‘due to the discovery of higher amounts of asbestos being present than expected, our completion date will be pushed back a few weeks’ (from early January). A MDC Leisure Tenants Meeting is being held in Mid-December, when this will be discussed.
  3. I have also asked Fusion to get in touch with Kate Hellard about the recommendations of the Sports & Leisure Panel that relate to the Leisure Centre, and their involvement in the future Frome Sports Forum.
  4. The new Radstock Co-operative store at Fromefield is due to open next week on Weds 2nd December at 9am. Well we did say we wanted greener development! I asked the site manager to ensure contractors’ vans are parked more safely away from the junction, and they have at last agreed.
  5. Selwood Academy have received planning permission for their proposed 3G artificial pitch for football, hockey and tennis, and are seeking funding opportunities.
  6. The transfer of Packsaddle park, Chapmans Close games court and Tower View park from Mendip to Frome Town Council should be on the agenda for MDC’s Corporate Assets Management Group on 14th December, but this is to be confirmed.
  7. The first meeting of MDC’s new Council Tax Bailiffs Working Group is next week.  Referrals to bailiffs have since April, and the Working Group will explore ways of reducing this further, to protect children and vulnerable households.
  8. At the Commerce Park, Acheson & Acheson are putting in a planning application to extend their successful beauty products factory, closer to the boundary of the Commerce Park, in an area currently zoned for B1 office uses only, as it is close to houses on the edge of town. They held a consultation meeting yesterday evening with local councillors and the Coalway Lane Residents Association, to discuss issues arising, including noise.
  9. Traffic speed monitoring at Bath Road coming into Frome past the College a few weeks ago showed speeds are too fast. The site has been added to the county council’s regular speed monitoring list, and I will be asking FTC support in asking for action to reduce traffic speeds and improve road safety here.
Adam Boyden, MDC councillor, Frome College ward
Further links to further information will be added shortly.
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