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Old Showfield improvements continue

by adamboyden on 12 February, 2017

Frome Town Council is planning further improvements to the Old Showfield in the next few months, in line with the Management and Improvements Plan it adopted last year after local people were consulted in autumn 2014 and again early last year. More footpaths will be resurfaced, trees will be planted and picnic tables installed, and a hedge and fence put in around the playground (to allow children to play  in a dog-free area). The wildflower meadow making will continue.  The remaining proposals – new playground equipment for toddlers – depend on funding being obtained from new housing developments via a “Section 106 agreement” between developers and Mendip District Council. None of this would be happening if FTC had not taken over the Old Showfield in 2015, which I helped sort out.  The footpath improvements will complete a circuit around the Old Showfield, which needs to be provided before …
Parkrun comes to Frome
Planning is underway to bring Parkrun to Frome from this Spring, and the Old Showfield has been identified as the venue. A weekly Saturday morning 5k free-to-run event will be organised by a team of volunteers and supported by Frome Town Council – see here for the official news.  The logistics are being worked out, including publicity, coordination and parking. It is expected to be popular with hundreds of people each week. Further details will be available in the next few weeks. Please contact FTC’s Environment Manager Chris Stringer (phone 01373 465757, email to find out more and to get involved. It’s quite exciting.

3 Responses

  1. Pam Foley says:

    Dear Adam, Thank you for all your updates on your splendid work on behalf of Frome.

    As you may know, I am a frequent visitor to the Old Showfield and must be one of it’s maor fans!

    Two items spring to mind as I walk around the fields,.

    #1. There is a need for play equipment for toddlers.

    Most days I see little ones playing on the gym equipment, despite being acompanied by adults and even encouragedby them, as well!

    #2 The Public Path from St Johns Road. across the Zebra Crossing and up into the Old showfield.

    This path is heavily used by pupils to Selwood Academy ans the College, as well as imany others on their way across to Bath Road and the important Hospita land Medical Centre.
    Both paths are very dirty, the surfaces are rough and potholed as well as being awash from side to side when the weather is wet..Particulary around the barriers at the Zebra Crossing.
    I reported th problem to ‘Fixmystreet’ recently and tp my surprise. I noticed contractors tidying up the weeds along the edges of the path alongside the academy!
    But much more could be done to improve these paths.
    It may just encourage the ‘litterbugs’ to take some pride in their surroundigs.
    The litter seems to cosist of sweel wraooer and drinks cans/bottles, thire contents, I presume, being consumed on the way to school.
    Which makes me wonder what the Healthy Eating Policy is at the local schools and the college.
    the new
    Meanwhile, I was delighted to see new benches in place and the splendid trees being planted as well.

    Many thanks again.

    Best wishes.


    • adamboyden says:

      Dear Pam, thank you for raising these points. I will raise the issue of toddler play equipment with the Town Council again. FTC and MDC need to progress funding of play areas across Frome and this is one of the areas identified for improvement, there is a pot of money, we/they just need to finalise what is done where and start spending it. I will have a look at the path surfacing, it may need Somerset County Council to resurface if it gets bad. Litter may need clearing more frequently too.
      thanks for identifying these issues,

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