Frome GP appointments survey – have your say

by adamboyden on 20 January, 2018

In November, Frome Medical Practice changed their GP appointment system to the ‘Patient Connect’ system involving a call back from a Care Navigator, and removed the walk-in clinic, as explained here and in a FAQ brochure here.  In the last few weeks we have heard some concerns, and as access to primary health care is so important, we thought we should do an initial independent survey to find out if there are any problems, by asking people “Are you and your family getting the access to a GP and primary healthcare that you need? Is the new system working for you?.
People can take the survey here –  If people have concerns, or are completely happy, please let us know.
If our survey identifies substantial problems, we will raise the issues with Frome Medical Practice and try to help the practice identify and secure improvements to their service to patients. Personal details from individual responses will remain completely confidential. Thank you.
Adam Boyden (Mendip District Councillor, Frome College ward) and Drew Gardner, of Frome Liberal Democrats
This article is based on a letter to the Frome Times and Frome Standard which appeared on 16/18 January 2018. 

3 Responses

  1. Anthony Davies says:

    I am learning of the new system and of abolition of the walk in area 7 AND abolition of book appointments on line from THE FROME TIMES 18/1/18
    We were assured only a few years ago that area 7 would allow access to a GP on any day and that on line booking was the modern way ahead.
    We are REGRESSING to a telephone system and taking away the choice of the PATIENT HIM/HER self to see a GP
    Apparently the only benefit is that you can sit ALL DAY at home hoping you sound ill enough to convince a navigator and a nurse to need to see a doctor

  2. Sian Davies says:

    To accurately assess a patient you need to see, touch and indeed in some cases to smell them
    This is what my late father, a GP, always said
    You CANNOT do this over a phone
    I feel we are going backwards and not advancing in our approach to patient doctor relationship

  3. David Harris says:

    Agree with comments over access to GPs, face to face and continuity with the same doctor is all important,

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