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‘Goffstonbury festival’ statement

by adamboyden on 19 June, 2018

The organisers of Danny Goffey’s ‘Goffstonbury festival’ album launch house party at the edge of Frome have issued the following statement, in response to a few residents’ concerns about noise and parking (see May newsletter here):

‘Distiller Records are hosting an invitation-only 1 day music event to celebrate an album launch for one of their artists. This will take place in the grounds of the artists private family home, on the outskirts of Frome, on Saturday 23rd June. Guests will arrive from 2pm, with live music beginning at 3pm and ending at 9pm. There will be no live music after 9pm.

The organisers have gone through lengthy measures to ensure the environmental impact is as low as possible and have worked with Mendip District Council who are happy with the various measures they have put in place. It is our aim to make this a peaceful, family event that has as little impact on the surrounding area and its inhabitants as possible. This includes bussing the guests in and out to minimise traffic noise and parking issues. This event has a license that has been agreed with MDC, and the Police have been consulted and raised no concerns/objections.

The following number is available should you have any queries or concerns – 07851788438. We will endeavour to resolve any issues if they occur on the day as soon as possible.


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