April news

by adamboyden on 14 April, 2023

New era at Somerset Council

The main news this month is that 1st April was ‘vesting day’ for the new Somerset Council, a ‘unitary authority’ that has taken over all services from the district and county councils – please see here, including useful links the new website. That means no more Mendip District Council, or Somerset County Council.

110 Somerset Councillors were elected as county councillors last May, with 61 Lib Dems forming the new administration (see below) taking over from the Conservatives. I’m one of the two for Frome North (the top right corner of the map) and six for Frome (with Dawn Denton (Frome North), Martin Dimery and Mick Dunk (Frome West), Helen Kay and Shane Collins (Frome East)).

Somerset Council has also started a weekly email newsletter you can sign up to, so please see here to be even more informed – https://www.somerset.gov.uk/newsroom/.

Old oak trees under threat at Acacia Drive

An application has been submitted by one of the insurance companies for a neighbour of the small play park at Acacia Drive, to remove the two old Oak trees at the park, due to alleged impacts on the house. Both trees are legally protected by a Tree Preservation Order, and one is identified as a Veteran tree. Please see here for the issues and how to respond.

Residents object to Packsaddle development

A few weeks ago, as I wrote here, LiveWest launched a pre-application consultation on draft proposals to develop the fields off Packsaddle Way and Leys Lane for 74 new homes, a residential facility for disabled children and some retained open space. I understand from the People for Packsaddle local group that at least 136 residents have responded to LiveWest to object in principle to the development of the green space, now a designated Asset of Community Value. LiveWest will be writing up the responses to the consultation and undertaking further ecological surveys this Spring, and are likely to submit a planning application later in the year. PfP have been in touch with Somerset Councillors, and I have asked for a review. Councillors are also to have a briefing on the situation in the near future.

Flies around Frome sewage works

Last year the fly nuisance suffered for years by residents around Wessex Water’s Frome sewage works at Welshmill) was substantially reduced by the installation of netting over the sewage filter beds. The netting trial will be reported in June, and another meeting will be held with Wessex Water. Since the autumn I have heard few complaints and have directed people to Wessex’s complaints line. However, earlier today I was alerted to a video from a resident showing large swarms flies at the tall conifer trees at the northern end of the works. This is the largest swarm by far seen this year, I understand. I have asked Wessex Water for an update and why the swarm might have appeared, and have alerted Somerset Council’s Environmental Health team (see here for background).

If you live nearby you might want to take sensible precautions to prevent flies getting in your home. If flies enter your property, please make a complaint, to:

Frome’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

A new Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan for Frome, which the Town Council proposes to adopt at its next meeting on Wednesday 19th April, could lead to improvements in walking and cycling routes, more pedestrian crossings, lower speed limits and more ‘low traffic neighbourhoods’ – see here for details.

Farleigh inland bathing water application

Farleigh & District Swimming Club is planning to apply to the Government to designate their stretch of the River Frome at Farleigh Hungerford as an official Bathing Water. Designated bathing waters are monitored by the Environment Agency for bacteria during the bathing season (May to September), and information on water quality is publicised. Wessex Water undertake informal bacteriological monitoring at Farleigh Hungerford as part of an investigation of water quality at the Warleigh Weir downstream (see here), but designation of the site would recognise that the river is legitimately used for swimming here, and could help put pressure on water companies and the Environment Agency to reduce pollution. Farleigh & District Swimming Club was founded in 1933, has parking, toilets and changing facilities, and around 5000 members. Please see the club’s website or email farleighclub@gmail.com to find out more or get involved. This was discussed at Norton St Philip Parish Council’s meeting last week, and I will give an update after a councillors’ briefing with the club.

Coronation Street party guidance

If you or your neighbours are thinking about or planning a Street Party this summer, including to celebrate the Coronation in May, you might like to go along to Frome Town Council’s street party planning advice session on Tuesday 18th April at 7pm in the Town Hall – please see here for details.

Ambitious Education Strategy for Somerset

Ambitious plans to transform education and drive improvements in Somerset schools have been unveiled, following reports that Somerset is in the top ten Local Authorities nationally for the proportion of inadequate schools. Somerset’s schools and the Council’s education professionals have committed to tackle challenges, support each other and deliver much needed improvements – please see here.

Council invests in stronger support for domestic abuse victims

A new approach to domestic abuse services in Somerset aims to break the cycle of abuse, reduce repeat offending and offer stronger support for victims and families. The Council’s Somerset Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (SIDAS) will provide additional investment in safe accommodation, and will offer a more holistic type of support, with interventions for anybody whose life is impacted by domestic abuse. From the first week in May, the support hub in Yeovil will be open from 5pm to 8pm for one-to-one support. Local in-person support will be available from SIDAS staff at Frome Library every third Thursday of the month from 10am to 1pm – please see https://www.somerset.gov.uk/council-invests-in-stronger-support-for-domestic-abuse-victims/

Anyone experiencing domestic abuse should contact SIDAS on 0800 6949999, email SIDAS@somerset.gov.uk or see www.somersetsurvivors.org.uk, but if you are in an emergency situation always call the Police on 999.

New bus services and more passengers across Somerset as ‘Bus It’ £2 single fare is extended

Bus users in Somerset can continue to travel on most routes in the county and beyond for just £2 until July, following an extension to the Government-funded national initiative. The £2 single fare is available from all participating operators and on most bus routes in and across Somerset, see here.

Somerset Council and the Somerset Bus Partnership launched the ‘Bus It’ campaign to encourage more people to use bus services, as some routes are under threat due to lack of use. It has just been announced that passenger numbers have indeed increased by around 14% across the county – see here.

First Bus has also recently introduced the D2X, an express bus between Frome and Bath, as well as new services that run later into the evenings – see here.

Cost of living help

A leaflet has been produced by the Somerset councils to help people find help with the cost of living and direct people to sources of advice – please see below.

Covid-19 Spring Booster vaccination begins across Somerset

The NHS in Somerset will begin the next phase of Covid-19 vaccinations from 17th April with its Spring programme, geared to protect the most vulnerable residents – people aged 75 and over or those aged 5-74 with weakened immune systems. Adults in an older persons care home have already been receiving the vaccination since early April. Please see https://www.somerset.gov.uk/covid-19-spring-booster-vaccination-begins-across-somerset/.

National No Smoking Day: new app to help quitting smoking

Smoking is linked to health problems such as heart disease, cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, increases the likelihood of developing dementia, and can increase stress, anxiety and depression. The Smokefreelife Somerset service has launched a free interactive smartphone app – My Quit Route, a personalised, non-judgmental programme to help people stop smoking. It is easy to sign up – call 01823 356222 or go online at www.healthysomerset.co.uk/smokefree/support-me.

Golden Hello for childminders in Somerset:

Somerset Council is offering a “Golden Hello” grant worth £250 to people who would like to be a childminder, which can be used to help with training and set up costs – see https://www.somerset.gov.uk/250-golden-hello-for-new-childminders-in-somerset/.

Meetings attended:

As you may know I fell on an icy path in late January and broke my wrist badly, and had a recent bout of Covid, so I have been to less in-person meetings recently, but those I have been to in person and online (*) are below (see full list here):

  • 1 March: SCC Full Council*: appointments to committees and outside bodies, and reports of committees, including Environment Scrutiny.
  • 6 March: Mendip District Council Cabinet*, 6.30pm Shepton Mallet – the final ever MDC Cabinet – final reports on budget monitoring, council performance on priorities, enhancing air quality, and a proposal to house resettled refugees.
  • 15 March: Frome Town Council (see here) had presentations by the Friends of Easthill Field about the need for formal designations to protect its biodiversity, and the Green & Healthy Frome project, and I gave an update (saved here).
  • 23 March: People for Packsaddle public meeting, Frome Rugby Club.
  • 24 March: Farewell Mendip event, Mendip District Council, Shepton Mallet, met current and former councillors and officers, to say goodbye to the Council.
  • 28 March: Frome pilot LCN*: attended online.
  • 29 March: Somerset County Council, Environment Scrutiny Committee*: the last meeting of this committee (to be replaced by Somerset Council’s Climate & Place Scrutiny Committee with a wider remit, discussed the new Somerset Tree Strategy, and an update on SCC’s work on climate change.
  • 29 March: Mendip District Council, Planning Board: at the final ever Planning Board meeting, we listened to residents’ concerns but granted permanent planning permission to the Glastonbury Festival (see here; I seconded the motion to approve, due to the wider economic and cultural benefits and the joy the festival brings to millions), and dealt with two other applications.
  • 30 March: Frome Town Council Planning Committee*: attended online and communicated with the meeting about the Acacia Drive trees application (see here).
  • 5 April: Somerset Council briefing* on 20 mph speed limits. I understand the Council will be inviting parish councils to identify roads where the community would benefit from reducing speed limits to 20mph, assuming the parish council would take on the costs of the process.
  • 5 April: Frome Town Council annual meeting*.
  • 12 April: Norton St Philip Parish Council (see agenda): gave an update on the new Council, and heard a report of a positive meeting with the local Somerset Council traffic engineer on ideas for traffic calming in Farleigh Hungerford; an update on the Neighbourhood Plan; the need for litter clearance along main roads between villages; and a discussion of Farleigh & District Swimming Club’s proposal to apply to DEFRA to designate the River Frome around the club site as an official inland Bathing Water (see above).

Upcoming meetings include:

  • 19 April, 7pm: Frome Town Council – will discuss the Frome Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (see here), a new Oversight Committee, an update on the football club and a review of open spaces – see agenda here.
  • Somerset Council meetings calendar – 2nd May: Somerset East Planning Committee, 2pm, Shepton Mallet; 10th May: Executive; 24th May: AGM, Full Council.

Please get in touch if you have any concerns or questions. I hope you find this useful.  

Best wishes,


Adam Boyden, Somerset Councillor for Frome North (Liberal Democrat) 

email cllrboyden@gmail.com adam.boyden@somerset.gov.uk

phone 07809284817


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