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Archive for the ‘Environment’ Category

Letter: Flytipping – to be tackled at last?

by adamboyden on 23 September, 2011

Letter to Somerset Standard, 22 September 2011: “Dear Editor, Some local residents contacted me this week as they came across yet more serious flytipping along a long stretch of Berkley Lane to the north of Frome, next to my ward, where the roadside, verges and field entrances on and near the bridge over the Frome […]

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Minding the GAPS

by adamboyden on 22 July, 2011

Recently I have been given the big responsibility of Shadow Portfolio Holder for Mendip District Council’s Governance, Assets and Public Spaces (GAPS) Directorate, as part of the district Lib Dem group’s Shadow Cabinet. This means ‘shadowing’ and working with the Cabinet member responsible for the GAPS team, Philip Ham (Conservative member for Coleford) on these areas of work, […]

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The future of the Old Showground

by adamboyden on 29 June, 2011

Construction of the new super-Surgery at the Old Showfield is due to start soon. This will mean a new and improved surgery next to Frome Community Hospital, including to replace the current Frome Medical Practice surgery in Park Road, the Saffron Surgery in Berkley Road and the Fromefield Surgery. The recent application by the FROGS volunteer group […]

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Improve our green spaces – get in touch!

by adamboyden on 18 June, 2011

That people have access to local green spaces is so important for our physical and mental wellbeing as well as our environment. In this part of Frome, we do have a number of good local green spaces and playgrounds within easy reach of where people live, including the Old Showground, but some smaller areas seem under […]

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