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Mendip proposes to pedestrianise Berkley Lane and Dark Lane to combat flytipping

by adamboyden on 22 September, 2021

Thanks to everyone who responded to the recent consultation on the proposed pedestrianisation of Berkley Lane and Dark Lane to the north of Frome. This is proposed by Mendip District Council (and supported by Somerset County Council, Frome Town Council and others) in order to improve the amenity of the area and reduce flytipping and other anti-social behaviour, by removing vehicle access in this area (retaining access for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders).

Some 252 responses were received from local residents, businesses and landowners, in the consultation launched in August (see here for previous news on this), and a clear majority of people were in favour of pedestrianisation and the option proposed. A local petition launched by local resident Mike John in February, asking MDC to keep the roads closed to vehicles, was signed by 236 people online (see here) and 145 people on paper.

The report of the consultation is being presented to Mendip’s next Full Council meeting on Monday 27th September, and councillors will be asked to approve the recommendation that MDC applies to the Secretary of State for a pedestrianisation order for both part of Berkley Lane and Dark Lane. If the recommendation is accepted at Full Council, there would be a further formal public consultation when the application is submitted.

The report and its appendices (including the consultation responses) can be viewed here under item 12. If you would like to register to speak at the meeting, please see here. I will let you know how it goes.

Other MDC news can be found here – – including on Saxonvale, the potential electoral arrangements for the future unitary council, and grants for business revitalisation and community and environmental projects.

Please let me know if you have any further thoughts or queries.

Update after Full Council, 27th September: Mendip District Councillors have approved a plan to apply to the Government for permission to pedestrianise Berkley Lane and Dark Lane in a bid to reduce flytipping to the north of Frome, at MDC’s Full Council in September. This was after an initial consultation by Mendip led to a majority of people responding backing the plan to restrict vehicles from both a stretch of Berkley Lane and Dark Lane, although a number of objections were raised by other residents and landowners. Please see the announcement here. MDC officers are now preparing the formal application to the Secretary of State, which will trigger a formal public consultation when it is submitted. Hopefully this will prevent flytipping in this area in a long-term and sustainable way.

Update, January 2021: An Application for a Pedestrianisation Order at Berkley Lane and Dark Lane was submitted by Mendip District Council to the Department for Transport on 17th December 2021.  Receipt has been confirmed a few days later. The Department’s processing time is longer than usual due to the continuing impact of Covid-19 restrictions but we have no further information on timescales.

Best wishes,

Adam Boyden with Drew Gardner, Mendip District Councillors (Liberal Democrats) for Frome College ward
Adam – email
Drew – email

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  1. […] in favour), and a debate and decision at the Mendip’s Full Council meeting in September (see here). Some objections were received from local residents who want to continue to drive through the […]

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